My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 427 The battle of the Royal Palace part 27

She then bit her lip, this was not what she had wanted… She didn’t want everyone to worry about her, but the pain she felt when she saw Kevin’s face had completely broken her.

Willow then said to her : “It’s okay Sora, don’t worry I’m here to help you.”

She added when Sora didn’t say anything : “I can’t make the pain go away but I can help you ease it a little.”

Sora then asked her in a barely audible voice : “How ?”

Willow then said something that made her eyes widen in astonishment : “My dad still has your son’s memories and I have copied them for you, I’ll show you some of them right now, but whenever you want to, just think of him and you’ll have access to them.”

The image of the outside world that was on the mirror disappeared and was replaced by a little boy with brown hair and green eyes.

Willow then said to her before showing her the memories of her son : “My dad is deeply sorry for what happened to him, and I hope these memories can help you feel better.”

Sora didn’t know what to say, but her eyes were fixed on the image of her little boy, and tears began to roll down her cheeks as the memories of her son flashed before her eyes.

She could finally see images of her son at different ages and she could see where he had grown up, the school he had gone to, she saw him playing with the other children in the orphanage and in his school, he seemed happy.

She also saw that the people at the orphanage had taken very good care of him, providing him with everything he needed, and she was relieved to see that he had lived a completely ordinary life, far from the dangers of this world.

Willow finally showed her the death of her son, and the rage and hatred she felt for this man invaded her immediately.

Just because her son had accidentally pushed him, he had taken the opportunity to try to rob him, and when her son had refused to give him his magic bag, this man had just killed him by smashing his skull against the wall.

Sora clenched her fists and just as she was about to explode with rage, the images changed to show her another little boy, more sickly, who was obviously malnourished and covered with wounds.

She momentarily forgot her rage at the image of this poor little boy, and then she stammered because she didn’t know who he was : “My God… What happened to that boy… He’s not my son, so who is he ?”

Willow then said to her : “My dad wants to share with you the memories he has of his home world, he too is an orphan but his life has been totally different from your son’s.”

Sora looked again at the image of the little boy who couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7 years old and who already had an emotionless look as if he had already been through hell and nothing could reach him anymore.

She couldn’t help but touch the mirror and ask to be sure, “Is this little boy Kevin ?”

Willow just nodded and Sora’s heart sank again seeing what state the little boy was in.

Willow started scrolling through the memories Kevin had given her without adding anything, and Sora watched helplessly at the life Kevin had led in his home world.

She didn’t know anything about him, all Caleb had told her about was that he was a great warrior and a fine strategist, but seeing all the hardships Kevin had been through, she couldn’t help but be moved by this boy.

After all the suffering he had gone through in the orphanage, she saw him run away and she saw him mingle with the shadows.

And while he could have taken revenge or used his exceptional gifts to do evil, which would have made more sense after all he had suffered, she saw that every choice he had made had always been to protect innocent people.

Even becoming an assassin was the best way he had found to be able to make a difference and help the maximum of people.

After that she saw him injured and chased by men, and finally she saw his final battle, where he lost his life.

Then she recognized the man who had killed her boy and she saw that Kevin had killed him with only two blows.

She smirked at this sight and was relieved to know that the man who had killed her son was also dead.

When she saw Kevin discover the book that had been passed down from generation to generation to the new bearer of the pentagram mark, she saw him make a blood pact with it and she couldn’t help but be amazed by his cleverness.

Then, she saw him discover the mark of the pentagram on his chest and the system that had surely allowed him to level up quickly and had probably helped him adapt to this new world.

And she also saw his meeting with Axel and the strong bond that had united them immediately.

As the memories flashed before her eyes, she could hardly hold back her tears as she saw him opening up more and more to others.

Now he had friends, a family, and through his memories she could feel Kevin’s attachment to their world, and she was sure he would make an amazing King.

She was so happy that this little boy who had been tortured all his childhood could finally find the happiness he deserved in their world.

Sora didn’t know how long they had been here, but when Willow finally made the mirror disappear, this little girl said to her : “Dad told me that there will always be a place for you in our family, if you want it.”

And as Sora still didn’t say anything, Willow then asked her : “Sora, after seeing all this, how do you feel ? Are you ready to come back with me ?”

Willow added then : “Staying alone here won’t help you to feel better, they are all very worried about you, and they still need you… So if you want, take my hand, I will help you join them, it’s time to wake up now.”

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