My Evil Stepson System

Chapter 37 37. Rough Night 1/2.

Kevin stormed out of Alfred\'s apartment, grabbing fistfuls of his hair in disbelief and rage. His heart was pounding and his mind was all over the place.


\'Dahlia?\' He repeated in disbelief.

"Dahlia!!" He bellowed into the cold night, turning his face up to the glowing moon as he desperately tried to hold back the tears threatening to fall

Aside from the fact that Max had been their initial target, it turned out that Lucy, his mother, had also been a target of theirs before they completely abandoned the thought of manipulating and seducing her.

Kevin turned away from the moon to see two vehicles behind him, one was a new model BMW automobile, which most likely belonged to Alfred\'s neighbour while the one behind it, a Hyundai Elantra, belonged to him.

Kevin instantly strode towards the former, taking a glance at his status before allocating his available attribute points towards his preferred attributes.

He curled his hand into a fist before smashing the bonnet of the new BMW, causing the rear end of the car to rise off the ground as his fist dug into the car, leaving behind a massive imprint of his fist.

After removing his fist, the rear end of the car dropped down as the rear tires slammed into the ground, shattering every single window and glass of the newly modelled vehicle which was bought just twelve hours ago by Alfred\'s neighbour.

Now the windscreen, side windows and rear windows had no glass in them anymore.

"Kevin?" Victoria called out to him, but his mind was too far gone to hear her calling his name.

Victoria slowly walked up to Kevin dressed in a sleeveless, long, red dress which showed off her mesmerizing thighs from the high slits on either side of the dress.

She clenched her hands in fear, due to Kevin\'s terrifying show of strength when he used his mere fist to destroy the brand-new car. But she summoned the courage to walk closer to him.

She was a bit confused as to why Kevin suddenly left the apartment, so she placed her hand on his back, trying to get through to him.

"Kevin, is everything alright?"

He didn\'t hear a single word she said, but her hand on his back forced him to direct his gaze towards her, which turned out to be a frightening glare.

"Eek!!" Victoria shrieked in fear, jumping backwards, but Kevin walked towards her.

The first person he thought he could trust, Dahlia, had turned out to be working with his targets all this while and it hurt him even more because he never could have predicted such a thing.

At first, he had thought that she might have been paid to keep her mouth shut by both Drake and Vanessa, but now it seemed that she had been working with them all along.

This made him realize that he was surrounded by enemies, and this only served to enrage him. He wondered why they had decided to target his family and not someone else\'s.

Victoria continued to back away from him, but Kevin was increasingly becoming convinced that Victoria would turn out to be a traitor as well.

He was further annoyed by the fact that her "Love meter" percentage had been 55% for two days straight.

He wondered what he was doing wrong for her to not trust him enough to increase her percentage.

\'Maybe she\'s still secretly working with her brother?\'

\'What if everything that happened between us was all a lie?\'

\'What if she\'s trying to use the same trick on me that Vanessa used on my Dad?\'

The thought of this becoming the case made him more furious. He stretched his hands towards Victoria, grabbing hold of her neck and squeezing it slowly.

"K-Kevin stop," She gasped, as she struggled to remove his hands while begging him to snap out of it.

Seeing the tears slip out of the corner of her eyes, Kevin\'s eyes became round as he realized what he was doing.

He immediately loosened his grip but didn\'t let go of her neck as he recalled the parasite\'s words concerning Victoria\'s \'Love Meter\'.

\'A woman\'s heart is more sensitive than you think. It will take a lot more than just sex and nice words to win her over.\'

Since the system said so itself, then it meant that it was only a matter of time before Victoria completely trusted him.

Although her Love meter might be at 55%, Kevin refused to give up so easily.

One way or another, he was going to make this woman his and only his. Until then, he wasn\'t going to give up and he would give it his all.

Kevin\'s hands slowly began to caress Victoria\'s neck and cheeks before activating [Sensitive Touch].

Victoria felt her body warming up and her heart beating faster again. She could feel her already wet pussy twitching and getting wetter once again.

She noticed that his grip had loosened around her neck and his intimidating aura had receded. She could still sense the anger within him, but she knew it wasn\'t directed towards her anymore.

A smile appeared on her face as she felt Kevin draw her face closer to his for a kiss, which she happily accepted as she kissed him back.

Being present during Kevin and Alfred\'s discussion helped her to understand that Kevin had actually been telling her the truth all along.

Alfred, Vanessa and her brother had really planned to ruin Kevin\'s family, and she couldn\'t help but understand how lonely Kevin was probably feeling now.

Besides, she also reconfirmed how very little Alfred cared about her while she had been humping Kevin in the car.

If Alfred really still cared for her, he wouldn\'t have been easily swayed by three half-naked women that he met for the first time in an alley.

If she could find a way to soothe Kevin\'s anger and the boiling emotions deep within him, she would be glad to do whatever it took to make him forget.

Victoria now felt annoyed, irritated and disgusted by how desperate Vanessa, Alfred and Drake were, and all the things they did just so they could get their hands on another\'s wealth.

But noticing how angry Kevin currently looked, unlike the usual jolly personality she had been accustomed to, Victoria felt an indescribable pain in her chest as she hoped to see Kevin smiling once again.

\'I\'ll do my best to assist him,\' Victoria hugged him tightly, strengthening her resolve.

[Love Meter: Victoria 60%]

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