The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 442 Conclusion

[You left the World of Magic]

[World Bonus has expired]

[You entered the World of Elements]

After spending another day sorting out that world and acting as the High Messenger that no one would be able to contest, we went back to the World of Elements along with all the resources we looted from the Dark World denizens.

One day wasn\'t enough to enact a change in that world. The truth was most of those who kneel before me were just afraid of our strength and in need of the cure for the poison in their throats.

That\'s why when Hiroda and his trusted allies came, I had them join us to think of a way to draw up a plan that could stop a conflict from arising after my group left that world.

Through Hiroda, I had him summon the Incarnation of the World\'s Will.

There\'s no way to cure all of the members of the Church of their Poison in that short of a time. Curing the white-robed Transcendent Nilo of it was just to set up proof that it could be cured when in truth, it would need almost all of my concentration and Energy Control to smoothly take the poison out of him.

After pooling in our ideas, we decided to pass that task to the World\'s Will.

It didn\'t give an immediate answer but that\'s not my problem anymore.

I told Hiroda to act as a substitute Messenger to continue the farce of the Church but because of his lack of Dark Energy, his credibility would soon be questioned by the true zealots.

Thankfully, we have Dark Energy Stones and a large amount of Dark Energy stored in tanks.

By utilizing those, he could act as one. And that\'s what we did before leaving.

I assigned him as the Messenger that would oversee their world for the two Dark Lights, Great One Illiana and Great Protector Schutz.

Once everything was properly relegated, I stopped meddling with the affairs of that world and just spent some quality time with the five girls with me.

Well, I spent most of the time with my Elemental wife, Fleur. I hadn\'t found the chance to spend time with her after going back to the World of Elements after all. And it\'s the reason why I handpicked her to be with my group.

Naturally, I also studied the method of Transferring UPL using Life Force by touching that Baptismal Device.

Just like how Zaraya embedded a Skill to create those Sacrificial Orbs that could sacrifice the user\'s body for a Dark World Transcendent to send their Incarnation to, Onimbus also embedded his Skill to create the Baptismal Device.

There were examples of attaching enhancements to a weapon or anything else but those two were the first ones I saw that embedded their Skills to create phenomenal devices.

After the Skill was embedded, it most likely changed its nature to reach the intended effect of the device.

Moreover, Zaraya couldn\'t be that idle to create a lot of Sacrificial Orbs. There\'s probably some sort of method to reproduce that en masse.

Like a factory or something close to it.

As for that Baptismal Device, because of the scale of it, it was probably hard to reproduce. If not for that, we would probably find the same Baptismal devices in other worlds. Perhaps Onimbus was trying out that device\'s effectiveness in that World of Magic.

Now that I think of it. The Totem Pole as well as the Ice Rifle were most likely products of embedding a Skill.

And if I looked further back, the Cauldron they\'re using to turn natives into impure Energy Stones was most likely another example.

The way to craft them was most likely different from Output Enhancing Equipment.

And I concluded that at this point in time, the method of creating something like that was still foreign to me. I also have no idea if the Principal could also do the same thing.

Considering he was pleasantly surprised at the sight of the Totem, he probably couldn\'t or he was acting again.

To test my hypothesis, I tried imbuing my Skills to an object more than once but everything ended in a failure.

Except for using any of the Skills as is, the skill would be dispersed or would be activated normally as soon as it touched an object.

Even simple Skills or Spell like an enhanced Air Bullet couldn\'t be imbued on an object. However, they could be emulated by creating a Formation that would activate it.

After that failure, I gave up on trying to create my own version of what they did and put the matter to the back of my mind.

What interested me was using that device in the future, when the need arises.

"You\'re back."

Arland\'s light projection once again left his Magus Tower to greet us.

Surprisingly, the Portal opened right above Selenia. He instantly activated the Defensive Formation that was being powered by the Artifact of his late wife, thinking to defend the world using all his power if we turned out to be another invading world.

But upon seeing me and the group Mortal Ranks coming back with us, he stopped and sent this Light Projection instead.

"Un. With Fleur and these girls on my side, that world was easier to resolve than here." I nodded before I stretched my arm to pull Fleur to my side.

The first time I arrived here, Arland and Fleur welcomed me. At that time, I didn\'t know that I would pursue the last Elemental Supreme. That polite and graceful woman who could make this seemingly calm guy flare up and shout through her actions.

"Hmm? No wonder. At this point, any one of your girls is enough to conquer a world like ours. In less than a few months, your progress left me behind. Even Fleur seemed like she gained wings after meeting you."

Well, he\'s not wrong about that. Back then, even if Fleur\'s UPL was higher than the two of us, it\'s not to the point of more than 100 difference.

Now, Arland only had some little progress through the training and sparring we had before. It\'s not wrong to say that he was already left behind. The same way that Old Man Liam and Matriarch Lyra got left behind by Leianne and Lunaria as soon as they become a Transcendent.

After leaving Selenia and dispersing the Mortal Ranks who went with us, we all moved back to Aves to wait for the others to come back from their Otherworld.



Three days later, the last of the five groups\' Portal silently appeared from above Aves.

Upon seeing that, the girls sparring and training in the middle of the training grounds we created, stopped in their tracks and gathered around me to welcome the group back.

"I wonder what kind of story and treasure they will bring this time." Dannae wondered with slight anticipation.

Just like us, the other groups had some unique experiences in the world they were sent to.

If we conquered the world through religion, the second group who came back that was led by Irja toppled the enemies by uniting every resistance force while she cracked the heads of the stronger Transcendents when their backs exposed themselves to her.

Before meeting me, perhaps, Irja would hesitate to do that. However, because of my influence, she started to disregard those things. Watching me not hesitate to do anything to swiftly end a conflict, she started picking that up.

"All of them looked exhausted except Yuko. Husband, go on and welcome them, we\'ll wait here." Nysia tapped my back, pushing me to fly up and welcome the four women and those who went with them by myself.

Even if this woman didn\'t urge me, I already planned to do it. That\'s how I welcomed them after all.

As soon as Yuko saw me, her expression instantly relaxed as she flew into my arms. She cast off her Heroine persona again and turned back to the same Yuko who\'s like a housewife that always wanted to be pampered by her husband.

"It must\'ve been hard. The last I heard from you was that you all arrived at the Portal Location."

"Un. There\'s two strong Rank 2 Transcendents waiting for us there. I\'ve used my System\'s Ultimate to defeat them…" Yuko weakly nodded her head as she buried herself further in my arms.

No wonder her Energy appeared to be in disarray, she\'s currently suffering the backlash of using that skill. The 12-hour halving of her total stats.

"I see. I should\'ve gone with you."

"Dai-kun. You needn\'t worry. We handled it well. Like most of us, I\'m just taking advantage of this time to stick close to you." Yuko cutely stuck her tongue out before reaching up to kiss me.

From behind her, Reinys was waiting for her turn but upon seeing that longing in her eyes, I opened my arm, beckoning her.

Caila and Noelle who looked like they also wanted the same treatment hovered behind Yuko and Reinys for a while before shaking their heads to lead the Mortal Ranks that came with them down on the ground.

Among the other four groups, they appeared to have the greatest Mortal Ranks casualties. The Elemental siblings Almira and Mara also appeared worn out. I thanked the two which they answered with a nod before they flew down towards Fleur to make a report.

The plans everyone enacted in those Otherworlds was all impromptus. I could only imagine the hard work everyone put in to complete it and turn the situation around for those Otherworlds.

It may have looked easy for our group but if I didn\'t possess Dark Energy, we would be battling every member of that Church before we could reach the Dark World denizens and discover the Portal Location.

For them to all finish in less than a week was nothing short of amazing.

With this… we could relax for a few days before the designated time for our return to Earth.

A big revelation will soon come. But with these Companions of mine with my side… I\'m confident that nothing will change with the way I will view things.

It\'s just a cut-off memory. I will take anything that I will remember as a matter of fact and sort them out accordingly without losing or changing what I am now.

Haa… Who am I kidding? Even if the ripped-off memory was just a small part of my childhood, it contained my memories during my previous life.

How many years did I live back then? Hundreds? Thousands of years?

What\'s the reason for ripping it off? What\'s so special about me?

I started this journey with pure doubts about my future and until now, it\'s still filled with doubts.

Who am I?

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