Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 147 147: Elsewhere II

Cole had a deadpan look on his face as he looked at the iteration of the system in front of him. It was times like this you would winder if the person you were talking to had no shame, but seeing as the system itself was not a person in the first place not much could be said about it. But still it took a special kind of guts to kill a person, or ask someone, multiple times to kill someone, he was still trying to wrap his head around it, but ultimately he was still just along for the ride down the river of life by a ferryman called the system. He raised his head as the iteration open it\'s mouth to continue speaking.

"I would have given you a quest, but the person I need you to kill is not within the Elsewhere universe, but rather in your own earth universe. A man by name of Aleron Highwater or something of the sort, he has come in contact with technology that while they\'re not heretical, your universe should not have access to it yet. It would take time for your universe to acclimate to Mana and the tools that it powers, get somehow this man has gotten a hold of a dimensional gate generator which has given him access to this place, the soul dimension that is also know as The Elsewhere.

He now spends his time scouring the soul dimension for treasure and tools, emptying the inventories of a number of people and even worse being able to cause permanent soul damage to anyone or any structure in existence. The only thing really stopping him is his inability to navigate this place and I would very much like for you to find and locate his access point and destroy it and Aleron\'s soul form which he uses to travel through Soul Dimension. His interference and access to this place has given him great power, but he is directly affecting the very blueprints of reality, he doesn\'t know it yet but he is messing with powers on a divine scale of being capable of shaping, destroying or creating anything at all he could possibly imagine and making it a reality….. this place is dangerous, and unfortunately it has fallen into the hands of an even more dangerous man.

I can not make this a quest like I normally do as it would be impossible to generate a quest or a reward with anything that has to do with the elsewhere. If you would notice you no longer have access to your system. However you can still use your skills, and they are still active, they are a part of you now so you won\'t be able to lose them, but any system generate effects would not be available to you in this place especially the stat sheet and the ability to assign your stat points. But in the end you are still the World Breaker."

Cole raised an eyebrow as he looked around, everything was white with fee shades of prismatic lights hanging over obvious hills, rivers, buildings and what seemed to white skinned creatures floating, swimming and roaming around. This place had no discerning markets and even worse was the fact that there were a hundred thousand Suns in the sky and equally a hundred thousand moons. This place was akin to looking at a gradient, lean to one corner too far and you would see either a different image or color, in this case it was night and day. This place was weird, and it didn\'t help matters that as the second went by, he could see the darkling woman was loosing flakes after flakes of her self, as an eerie wind blew and carried parts of her away.

"You should not worry about the heretic, she was only brought here along with you because she was trying and failing feebly to absorb your soul. This place rejects a being of her nature, especially as she has already been marked as a heretic. I reckon she had no more than two hours left before she is erased permanently from all of existence. Which of course reminds me of a warning, in this place if you die there are no do overs Cole Night. If your body here dies then your body in your universe dies too, and it won\'t just be a simple death, you will cease to exist completely even as a soul, instead becoming a foundation or buildings block for something else to exist in reality."

"You speak as if you already know that I will agree to what you just asked me for. Isn\'t that being a bit to presumptuous. You haven\'t even spoken in terms of what my reward would be. I\'m not your fucking dog!" Cole growled out as the system Iteration grinned, it\'s massive mouth with razor sharp teeth stretched a little too wide. Then it\'s tutted to itself before brushing off what was most definitely an imaginary speck of dirt off it\'s metallic shoulder.

"I\'m sure you and I both know Cole that you are not one for small talk or politics. By this point you should pretty much know how I operate, I ask you to do something and while you do have a choice in the matter, you still do it and get rewarded by me in the end. However I can not reward you in the normal way due to the nature of your current environment, so I would have to do something for you in your own universe. But ultimately Cole, I know you, right from the very moment I chose you and you were seeded to be an anchor point of your universe. You are a hunter, you thrill in it. You don\'t ask questions, while this might be a game to others you see 8t for what it is and are trying your best to build your own power. Get this job done and fast…..I will figure out your reward later…. Also trust in the Soul Dimension, it will always lead you to where you want to be and where you are supposed to be."

Soon after it finished saying that it\'s body seemed to melt into the ground and the system vanished. Cole growled, he did not like being profiled in such a manner, the fucking system did not know shit about who he was or what he was capable of….. or perhaps it did. Cole hated it, but he was no coward, he was always ready willing to admit to himself when he has fucked up or when he was in denial about something that was said about him. Cole believed immensely in self growth and just improving every day as a 0ers9n and in character , part of that was admitting his claws, even when the system pointed out the truth that Cole had been loathed to admit... he loved every fucking second of being the evil hunting Antihero.

"So what about me? Won\'t you save me?" the darkling woman asked, looking decidedly panicked as she watched pieces of her body float away. She looked up at Cole panicked only to open her eyes in e en more shock to find him in front of her, his blade buried to the hilt in her chest an unreadable expression on his face. She shuddered as she stepped backwards pulling her body out of the sword with pained gasp as blooded spurted out from her wound. She shrieked in horror, raising her hands to cover the sound as she fell to the ground looking up at Cole in shock and horror.

"Why? Why!" she cried out as Cole turned to walk away, Black Malakai getting sheathed on his back as with a thought his cowboy clothes/armor appeared on his body, along with his face mask which he held in his hands, before placing it on his face and turning around to face the darkling woman, looking every but the demon he felt he was and is. His voice took on a sinister tone as the face mask seemed to make it vibrate with power and Malice.

"This is a mercy Darkling, I might not have really died before, but I envision when I go I don\'t want it to be slow, I don\'t want it to be as agonizing as it is for you now; watching yourself waste away into nothingness with each second that passes. This way you get there faster and!" Cole stopped talking, noticing the vacant stare that was looking back at him. She was already dead, that hat realization there was a gust of wind that goes through and broke her body into dust that quickly vanished into the air. Cole sighed then turned around a wild smile on his face hidden by his mask.

It was startling to realize that there was a truth about him that he hadn\'t really paid attention to. As he summoned his Direwolf King Mechanoid, he realized in some ways the system was right. He did absolutely love the thrill of the hunt.

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