FOG [e-sports]

Chapter 37

Yu Sui nodded and the waitress shook her head frantically: “No!!! Our restaurant has a sanitation permit, absolutely no rats! We don’t have any rat poison!”

Chen Huo’s thoughts were quickly derailed by Yu Sui’s words. He then asked, “If you haven’t got any rat poison, how about arsenic? You have any of that?”

Puppy followed up with. “Hedinghong?”

The waitress was on the verge of collapse. “He-hedinghong?!”

“Don’t you know what Hedinghong is?” Old Qiao looked pityingly at the waitress and kindly helped to explain, “That’s the one that the Empress Dowager had Imperial Concubine Xiang drink. Didn’t your parents let you watch TV dramas during summer vacations when you were a kid?”

Shi Luo had grown impatient. “What are you wasting time for? This matter can be settled with a cleaver!”

The little waitress had never run across bandits before. With trembling hands, she was going to take out her walkie-talkie. “You, you...”

Yu Sui couldn’t help laughing.

“Don’t call security!!!” Zhou Huo increasingly began to regret taking over this team filled with wicked beings. He had reached the end of his patience. He stood up and said loudly, “I’m sorry, we’ll be leaving now! Sorry, little sister. I will immediately take these bunch of lunatics out of here! I’m begging you, please don’t call security! We can’t wind up on the newspapers, Yu Sui! Didn’t you already settle the bill! Go! Let’s go!”

Chen Huo was pushed to stand up. He still wasn’t quite willing to give up. “We’re not allowed to fight and we’re not allowed to poison him? Now, we’re just going to leave?”

“Forget it. There’ll be next time.” Puppy said quietly. “Our team has just been promoted and our prospects look great. Scum like him isn’t worth it. In the future...when we run across him during a competition abroad, why don’t we settle it then? If we go about this well, no one would even know if we dispose of him abroad...”

“No, that’s not allowed! Not even abroad!!!” Zhou Huo was so angry that he wanted to hit Puppy. “I have you figured out now! The normally quiet ones really are the worst! Shut up!”

Everyone knew not to cross any lines. They just wanted to say a few things to vent or maybe cause a small scene, small enough not even to wind up on social media. But Zhou Huo on the other hand, didn’t want even the least bit of anything troublesome. He quickly snatched the receipt and urged everyone to get up. All of them were helpless. They reluctantly grabbed hold of their phones and got up.

On their way out, when they passed by FS’ private room, Chen Huo couldn’t help but say, “It’s this room.”

Without giving Zhou Huo a chance to block anyone, Shi Luo, who had been at the very edge of the group, suddenly pushed open the door to the room. Inside were two waiters who were in the middle of tidying up. “Did you forget something?”

Shi Luo frowned. “No.”

“They were certainly quick to make their escape.” Chen Huo sneered, “They must have seen me.”

Zhou Huo breathed a sigh of relief. “Everyone’s gone. Good. That’s good. We should leave too.”

Zhou Huo called the driver while also hurrying everyone out. The night was dark. Everyone walked to the curb and Yu Sui rubbed his stomach.

Shi Luo frowned and looked over. Puppy asked first, “Is your stomach hurting again?”

Yu Sui shook his head. “It’s fine.”

“What are you pretending for?” Puppy frowned, “You weren’t allowed to go hungry in the first place. But you barely ate anything for lunch and you ate only a little from the hotpot just now. Did it begin to hurt just now?”

“Who are lecturing, talking that loudly? It hurts a little bit. It’s really not serious.” Yu Sui looked as usual. “I’ll just drink some medicine when we get back.”

“Your stomach hurts again?” Zhou Huo said nervously. “It’s nothing serious, is it? Isn’t your stomach all better already?”

Yu Sui said, “It’s been fine for a long time. It just acts up a bit when I don’t take my meals regularly. It’s nothing.”

Zhou Huo looked distrustfully at Yu Sui. He then looked at Puppy and Puppy nodded. “It’s true. The doctor said that if he doesn’t take his meals regularly, it may cause a little problem. But generally, he should be fine if he drinks his medicine. This&#k2026;don’t you always have some with you? You should go back in to the restaurant and ask them for some hot water.”

Yu Sui was still planning on moving in Shi Luo tonight and didn’t want to delay any longer. “I can just take it back at the base.”

“What if it turns serious by the time we get back?!” Zhou Huo didn’t dare let anything happen to Yu Sui again. Brooking no arguments, he said, “I’ll go back in with you. Let’s go. Go, go! Old Qiao, the car will be here any minute. Wait for us to get back.”

Old Qiao nodded. “Hurry up.”

Yu Sui had no choice as Zhou Huo brought him back into the restaurant.

The remaining four stayed waiting at the curb.

A private car came up from the underground garage and slowly parked on the side of the road. The driver’s door opened and a lone person got down and stood behind the car. Only half of the back could be seen.

Shi Luo had been waiting for their car all this while. After catching sight of this, he narrowed his eyes and sneered. “Isn’t this a coincidence?”

Chen Huo blankly followed Shi Luo’s gaze. “F*ck.”

Puppy looked over and said hesitantly. “This entire place is covered with surveillance. Don’t go looking for trouble.”

The lesson from two years ago was still fresh in his mind. Shi Luo truly didn’t dare cause another incident and let someone else shoulder the blame.

Nevertheless Shi Luo walked towards the private car.

Old Qiao had been looking at his phone the entire time and only now turned to look up. “What’s wrong?”

Chen Huo looked at the person standing not too far away. “Ji Yanhan.”

Old Qiao’s eyes darkened.

Ji Yanhan had drunk a lot just now and after sending off the FS team members in the van, he stayed. Through the haze of intoxication, he was looking for a designated driver service. Hearing the footsteps, Ji Yanhan glanced up and after a dazed moment, said, “... Shi Luo?”

Shi Luo looked at Ji Yanhan indifferently.

Ji Yanhan rubbed his eyes and looked blankly at the people who came over, his lips trembling, “Old Qiao, Chen Huo, Puppy...”

Ji Yanhan looked back at Shi Luo, and instantly recovered his senses, sobering up. He looked away, wanting to escape into the car. But Shi Luo quickly placed his hand on the car door.

Ji Yanhan stepped back guiltily. “You...”

“Relax, there’s a surveillance camera. I’m not gonna beat you up.” Shi Luo looked at Ji Yanhan in disgust, “I just want to ask you something. We’ll leave after.”

“Ask...” These people were the one Ji Yanhan was most afraid to see right now. However, today was the make or break game for team FS. He had no choice but to come. He had hidden from them for the entire day. He never thought he’d run into them in the end. With a trembling voice, he said, “Ok, ask...”

“That Min Min.” Shi Luo asked, “Is she still ok now?”

Ji Yanhan looked at Shi Luo, dumbfounded. Never in his wildest dream could Ji Yanhan have expected that Shi Luo would ask this. He unconsciously said, “After you guys left that year, we were barely able to pay her family’s debts. Her father suffered a stroke after that and was bedridden. He no longer manages their business. After we got married...the two of us are now the ones managing the family affairs. She...she’s okay.”

Shi Luo nodded. “OK.”

Shi Luo turned around and was about to leave. Ji Yanhan hadn’t been able to react to what had just happened. Shi Luo hadn’t asked anything about himself but instead asked after Min Min, someone who he had zero interaction with. What did that mean?

Ji Yanhan was startled and hurriedly said, “Old Qiao! Chen Huo!”

Voice shaking, he asked, “Today, did you...was that to get revenge on me? Was that Yu Sui’s revenge for before?”

Chen Huo picked his ear and smiled. “Revenge?”

Ji Yanhan wanted to say something but hesitated. “The last game...”

“All matters between you and Yu Sui have been settled. Right now, I’m afraid he’s even forgotten what you look like.” Chen Huo looked Ji Yanhan up and down. “Right now, the one who can’t let go of things, isn’t it you?”

Ji Yanhan’s eyes shrank suddenly. He didn’t dare look these people in the face.

Indeed, it was himself who couldn’t let go these past two years and was constantly tormented by what little conscience he had left.

It was he himself who had done this shameful deed. Yu Sui did nothing that should be a burden on his heart. What would he have to struggle emotionally with?

It’s just a game. At most, they would feel sad for their former team.

Thinking of the now gone team FS, Ji Yanhan tilted his head and looked at this handful of people. With admiration in his eyes, he talked to himself, “Old Qiao, are you going to be a coach? OK, now everyone’s complete...”

The former genius group of FS had been successfully reassembled. Only now, they no longer bore FS’ logo.

Ji Yanhan murmured, “In the end, I was the one who was driven away.”

Among them, Old Qiao and Ji Yanhan had spent the longest time on the same team. He was the one who wanted to see Ji Yanhan the least. Old Qiao had on a calm expression. He had no intention of saying anything at all. He was pulling everyone to leave when Ji Yanhan suddenly said, “Shi Luo, you...also joined their team?”

Shi Luo looked at Ji Yanhan with an ugly expression on his face. “Yes, what about it?”

Ji Yanhan said uncertainly, “Aren’t you already completely at odds with Yu Sui? You...”

Ji Yanhan looked at Shi Luo and asked uncertainly, “Are you together with him now?”

Shi Luo stared blankly at him. “How much have you had to drink? What did you say?”

“Then, you’re not together...” Ji Yanhan murmured to himself, unable to understand, “Then why did you go to his team again? there something you still don’t know?”

Shi Luo raised his eyebrow. “What is it that I should know?”

“Nothing.” Ji Yanhan shook his head. “It’s nothing...”

“Hemming and hawing like that. Are you trying to sow discord in the team? Or are you trying to hint at something or deliver some sort of threat?” Now that he’s mentioned ‘threat’, Shi Luo couldn’t hold back his anger. “Ji Yanhan, you know full well how you were able to threaten Yu Sui before. Now, all his debts to you have been paid off. If you’ve got something to say, then say it. What are you still afraid to say?”

“I’m not planning on threatening him again!” Ji Yanhan said anxiously, “I-I’m, considering something for Yu Sui. If you...”

“Considering what? What else is there that you can you still consider?”

Ever since his retirement, Old Qiao had been holding back his anger. Now he was on the edge of breaking. He said gruffly, “What do you want to consider?! I’m telling you now. Shi Luo is coming to our team. He and Yu Sui have reconciled. What are you trying to instigate?!”

Ji Yanhan couldn’t stop himself from taking a step back. Stuttering, he said, “I, I want to compensate Yu Sui a bit, one last time. I...”

“You want to compensate him? Fine.” Shi Luo grabbed the point in an instant, “Go, go and issue a statement. Clear up everything you did two years ago. What’s the matter? You’re already married. Now, your team is gone. You can’t possibly manage a secondary league team, right? What are you still afraid of?”

“That’s impossible!!!” Ji Yanhan didn’t even want to think about it. “All my friends are in the gaming circle! If I let this out, then in the future...”

“In the future?” Shi Luo laughed in spite of himself. “As long as you have a future, it’s fine for other not to?”

“Two years ago, you dug a pit for me and caused Laozi to be sold around. After two years, I have finally, finally managed to have a little hope for stability. In the end, you still had to show up and block my way.” Shi Luo tried his best to push down on the urge to hit him. “You used that empty shell and created that sh*t team that couldn’t beat anyone. You drove a good championship team to fall to playing the relegation tournament all the way to where it is now. Don’t involve anybody else in your f*ck ups. But at the very end, when you were at the edge of the cliff, your opponents just had to be Free and the ‘old feelings’ card was put into play. FS was about to scram but it had to dig just one last pit and now all the sprayers online are insulting my new team. Ah...are you going to f*cking stand in my way your entire life?!”

If there weren’t so many cameras here, Shi Luo really wanted to beat him up. “Laozi owed a debt of gratitude to FS, but not to you. Now, you’re talking to me about the ‘future’? What are you talking about?”

Ji Yanhan took a couple of steps back, flustered. “You owe Yu Sui, but in those days, Yu Sui was... In those days, towards him, I also...”

“Don’t mention it, please.” Chen Huo couldn’t bear it anymore and interrupted Ji Yanhan. “All debts have already been cleared. Don’t mention how good you were to him back then. Let’s leave some untainted memories for each other. Don’t mention the past and cause us to feel nauseous when we think back on it in the future. Okay?”

Ji Yanhan said nothing.

After a while, he said in a subdued voice, “I...”

Shi Luo said, irritated, “If you’re not willing to do it then forget it. We’re used to being sprayed anyway.”

Old Qiao’s hands trembled slightly and he turned away without saying a word.

“Wait...” Ji Yanhan said suddenly, “How about this? You guys, you guys issue a statement yourself. I won’t explain. It’ll be fine like this, right? Ok...”

“F*ck you!!!” Old Qiao had been holding back for a long time and was now driven to vexation. He turned and said angrily, “F*ck you!!! After saying so much, this is as much as you’re willing to compensate him?”

Old Qiao blew his top. “Issue a statement? Do you think we haven’t been clarifying things for him all these years?! But did anyone believe us? Did anyone believe?!!!”

“During that year’s finals, Laozi clarified for Yu Sui, but what did the sprayers say?!”

“They said I’ve been Yu Sui’s lap dog for so long that I’ve gotten used to it. That I’ve been pushed forward as a scapegoat!!” New hatreds and old hatreds had all stacked together and Old Qiao could no longer control his anger. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to tear Ji Yanhan apart. “Puppy also tried to clarify. Chen Huo too. But did anyone believe it?! They all said that regardless how angry Chen Huo and Puppy were, they wouldn’t dare say anything for fear that Yu Sui would make their lives hard at their new team. They even said that their accounts were being controlled by Yu Sui!!! The more we tried to defend Yu Sui, the more they blackened him! What could we do?!”

“No one believes what we say and we have no evidence to show. On the other hand you’ve created such good contacts and relationships all these years that no one would believe you’d dig a pit for the teammates you once brought with you! What could we do? Laozi owed Yu Sui so much from all those years, making him shoulder this burden. You think I don’t feel torn up about it?!!! I was afraid of causing him any problems, of making him the topic of the sprayers’ hate online once again that I didn’t even dare mention him during my retirement ceremony! You think I didn’t absolutely hate that!!!”

Mentioning his retirement, Ji Yanhan couldn’t hold it anymore. He gritted his teeth and wept.

“And Shi Luo! When he was personally sent away by Yu Sui he said so many hateful words. But he later turned around and told NSN that this wasn’t Yu Sui’s own idea! But everyone thought he was a troubled kid who never got his parents’ love that now he developed some sort of duckling complex on Yu Sui!” Old Qiao shouted, enraged, “He said the same thing at IAC but they just said that he held himself so cheaply and that he must have been forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement before he left FS!!!!! In the end, Yu Sui became some sort of puppeteer controlling his teammates. What could he do? He was only seventeen at that time!!!”

Shi Luo gritted his teeth. He turned his head to close his eyes. His Adam’s apple bobbed.

“Now, you want us to come out and clarify? Again? What for? You saw that we were finally having a few good days and you couldn’t stand it?” Old Qiao couldn’t hold back his anger. “Aside from protecting yourself what else can you do? I’m telling you now, you deserve to lose your team today!!! Serves you right!!! You deserve to have no one as you lie here drunk!!! So don’t talk to me about old friendships. If you hadn’t brought me and Yu Sui out from Knife Edge back then, I would have already torn you to pieces!!!”

Ji Yanhan slowly squatted down. He covered his eyes and finally audibly burst into tears.

Puppy tried his best to keep calm. “Okay, there’s no need to talk with him. He’s not worth getting worked up over. Let’s go.”

Old Qiao’s eyes were red and he was panting hard. After throwing out a few curse words, he turned around and headed for their car. Chen Huo gave Ji Yanhan the middle finger and left with Old Qiao.

Puppy glanced back at Ji Yanhan and said slowly, “Captain, if you even have a little conscience left, you’ll send out a clarificatory statement. You don’t have to confess to anything, you don’t even have to give them the details. Just tell them what the money you got from selling us was actually used for. Because, up to now, there’s still some people who think Yu Sui pocketed that money. You...should think about how he’s been these past few years.”

Puppy looked at Shi Luo. “Shi Luo, let’s go.”

They left one by one and Ji Yanhan knelt on the ground and wailed, crying for half an hour.

Half an hour later, the hired driver helped Ji Yanhan into the car and Ji Yanhan took out his phone with trembling hands.

In the forum, as expected, they were insulting Yu Sui, saying such vicious and malicious things that Ji Yanhan couldn’t bear to look at it.

Ji Yanhan watched the forums for a long time. After hesitating numerous times, he opened his Weibo app.

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