Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 487 - Hunting Time Part 5

Chapter 487 Hunting Time part 5

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Charlotte and Elvis along with the temporary team they called as Savage Fox Slayer team quickly proceeded to the north to capture the Savage Foxes that Leo and Elizabeth\'s teams have found. 

Meanwhile, Leo, Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, Ash, Chief Lago, Sebastian, Dan, and old man Torre lead a total of 50 members to clear out the surrounding area of the base. 

With this kind of operation, there is really no need for any Leader to maintain the command. After all, they\'re just simply fighting against No Star to 3 Star level Magical Beasts. With everyone\'s cultivation level, so long as they don\'t get careless, they would definitely be able to handle the Magical Beasts easily.

At this moment, Leo is currently fighting against a Whipping Vine Bunny. It\'s a 1 Star Magical Beast that looks almost similar to a normal bunny except that it is one meter tall and is green in color with a group of vines as its tail. 

The Whipping Vine Bunny would use its claw on its arms and feet, its sharp teeth that can break metal, or the group of vines on its tail to attack.


Dozens of vines whipped towards the direction of Leo. Fortunately, with his training of fighting against 2 Earth Elementals at the same time, he was able to quickly dodge the attack.

After dodging, he quickly took out a Magic Net from his Storage Ring and threw it towards the Whipping Vine Bunny.

Seeing the incoming net, the Whipping Vine Bunny quickly hops backward to escape away from the Magic Net range. 

Out of the Whipping Vine Bunny\'s expectations though, the moment it hops backward, Leo suddenly threw a dagger. Not towards its direction, but rather towards the upper part of the Magic Net, right after moving the net by a bit enough to catch the Whipping Vine Bunny\'s the moment it landed on its chosen spot. 


The Whipping Vine Bunny was caught by the Magic Net. It quickly tried to escape, but no matter what it does, it was unable to escape. 

"Easy," Leo said as he bends down on his knees to get the dagger that he had just used. 

Suddenly though...

"Leo, a group of Nature Minions are currently going in your west direction," Cassandra quickly warned Leo. 

The moment Leo heard the warning, he quickly jumped to the side while pulling the net with the trapped Whipping Vine Bunny. In the next moment, small little creatures that looked almost similar to a mini version of a Golem appeared at the left side of his former location. 

The Nature Minion are small little creatures that walk in two feet, have a body entirely made out of rocks that are covered in green-colored mosses, and have a flower on the top of its head. The flowers are always different, depending on what it had picked when it was still young, but one thing is for certain, it is considered as a Magical resource, though the level would depend on the Nature Minion.

The Nature Minions passed by Leo as it continued running away to the east while Cassandra was closely chasing behind. 

"Let me help you," Leo said before quickly putting the trapped Whipping Vine Bunny at the side and standing up from the ground to follow after Cassandra. 

He took out a Magic Net from his Storage Ring, preparing to throw it towards the four Nature Minions closely in front of him. 

However, before he could do that, Cassandra motioned her hand to stop him. 

"Why?" Leo curiously asked. 

"Nature Minions would always retreat towards the direction of a much more powerful Nature Minion, so let\'s just keep on pretending that we are chasing after it, allowing us to find even more Nature Minions," Cassandra explained. 

"Oh," Leo nodded in understanding. 

Simply put, as they keep on scaring the Nature Minions, it would also keep on sabotaging the hiding spots of other Nature Minions. 


And just like what Cassandra had said, soon the four little Nature Minions took them towards a big Nature Minion. 

"Hehehehe, jackpot!" Cassandra said while looking at the 1 Star Nature Minion. 

"What an unfortunate fellow," Leo can\'t help shaking his head in pity. Think about it, no matter how good a Nature Minion\'s hiding spot is, a much weaker Nature Minion would undoubtedly still reveal it, which is what had happened to the 1 Star Nature Minion who has a really good hiding spot. If only the four Nature Minions didn\'t take them here, they would definitely not know that this big rock is actually a Nature Minion. 


Hearing the big Nature Minion\'s loud bellowed, the four little Nature Minions quickly followed after as if finding a new source of courage. 

Enkkk! Enkkk! Enkkk! Enkkk!

"How cute," Leo smile mischievously before quickly summoning 15 Earth Elementals around him. 


The 15 Earth Elementals immediately roared out the moment they saw the five Nature Minions in front of them.


The faces of the five Nature Minions quickly changed to a face as if it was drained by its blood. In the next moment, all five of them, four small and one big, quickly began running towards the direction of a more powerful Nature Minion. 

"Good job," Cassandra said as she kissed Leo\'s cheeks. 

"Good job? Or are you just looking for a reason to kiss me?" Leo said with a smile on his face. 

"Hehehe," Cassandra chuckled, feeling a bit bashful that her thoughts were easily found out by Leo. 

"Anyways, let\'s quickly follow after those Nature Minions to clear off all the Nature Minions in this area," Leo said as he grabs Cassandra\'s hands and began pulling her to chase after the Nature Minions along with his 15 Earth Elementals. 

"It seems like you\'re also just looking for a reason to hold my hands," Cassandra said with a giggle. 

"Nah, I don\'t need a reason just to hold your hands," Leo replied. 

Hearing Leo\'s words, Cassandra can\'t help rolling her eyes seemingly saying to Leo, "As if you can do such a thing,"

Leo and Cassandra keep on chasing after the Nature Minions and would just simply scare the new Nature Minion that appeared in order for them to look for more Nature Minions. 

Soon, a total of 29 Nature Minions were gathered together, with the strongest being in the 2 Star level. At first, the 2 Star Nature Minion tried to fight back against Leo, Cassandra, and the 15 Earth Elementals, but as soon as it realized that it was at a disadvantage, it quickly began running with the other Nature Minions towards the direction of a much more powerful Nature Minion.

At this moment, all the Nature Minions were cornered behind a huge wall, surrounded by Leo, Cassandra, and 15 Earth Elementals. They were all shivering, obviously scared of what they are going to do to them next.

Suddenly though, the huge wall began moving from the ground. Next, a flower was slowly being revealed on top of the huge wall. 

"This cunning little fellows," Leo clicked his tongue as he was able to quickly identify that the wall in front of them is actually a 3 Star or above Nature Minion. 

Without wasting any time, Leo immediately threw the Magic Net on his hand towards the direction of the Nature Minions, easily catching 5 of them. 

The reason why he had done such action was simply because he wanted to minimize the number of the Nature Minions. He already knew that the moment this huge Nature Minion fully reveals itself, these group of Nature Minions would immediately find a new source of courage, making them no longer fearful of them and are going to be ready to fight. 

Cassandra was able to easily understood what Leo intended to do, so she also threw the Magic Net on her hands towards the three 2 Star Nature Minions, instantly eliminating the troublesome Nature Minions in the group.

After doing that, both Leo and Cassandra jumped backward and prepared themselves to fight against the suspected 3 Star or above Nature Minion. 

At the side, the 15 Earth Elementals also turned themselves into their Golem form to increase their defensive and fighting capability. 

Booooom! Booooom! 

In the next second, a 20 meter tall 3 Star level Nature Minion finally revealed itself from the ground. 


A really loud bellowed soon after sounded. 


The 15 Earth Elementals also replied with their own loud bellowed, not letting the 3 Star Nature Minion intimidate them.

"Enough chit chat, let\'s fight," Leo said as he put his hand forward, "Vine spell!"

Whoooosh! Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

Vines quickly appeared to hold down both legs of the Nature Minion, restricting it from moving forward. 

"Fireball!" Cassandra quickly followed after.

Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

Two fireballs shoot out from the hands of Cassandra straight towards the head of the Nature Minion. 

Booom! Booom!

The moment the two fireballs landed on the head of the Nature Minion, its whole body right after slowly began falling backwards due to the vines holding its both legs. 


A loud crash of the huge Nature Minion sounded, causing a cloud of dust to spread on its nearby surrounding. 

"Attack them," Leo quickly ordered the 15 Earth Elementals. 

Booom! Bang! Booom! Bang! Booom! 

The 15 Earth Elementals and the remaining 21 Nature Minions quickly began fighting.

Despite having a numerical disadvantage though, the 15 Earth Elementals were clearly still much more stronger compared to all of the 21 Nature Minions. One reason for that was because the group of Nature Minions was a combination of No Star to 1 Star level, while all the Earth Elementals were peak No Star level. 

Moreover, because this fight wasn\'t intended to kill the Nature Minions, the 15 Earth Elementals created many earth spheres to imprisoned the weaker Nature Minions, slowly reducing their numbers. And with the help of Leo and Cassandra, all the Nature Minions were soon caught by Magic Nets. 

After doing that, Leo then unsummoned all the Earth Elementals and soon after replaced them with Nature Elementals. 

As soon as the 15 Nature Elementals appeared, Leo then said, "Bind that huge Nature Minion to the ground with your vines,"

The 15 Nature Elementals nodded their heads in unison before quickly creating a much thicker vine than before out from the weeds on the ground.

Obviously, because Leo had now learned the Vine spell, the Magic Power of the vines that the Nature Elementals had created had significantly improved as well. 

As soon as the vines appeared, they then shoot straight towards the huge Nature Minion currently having trouble getting up and the vines soon after successfully trapped the huge Nature Minion.

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