Mystical Journey

Chapter 592: Admission 2

Speechless, Garen hung up the phone. Once Trish got excited, she wouldn’t stop talking even if you gave her half an hour.

He looked at the time and noticed that it was still early. The first year’s ceremony would take place after lunch time so he took this opportunity to walk outside to get a rough understanding of the university’s landscape.

He packed his stuff and as he was about to go out, the dorm’s door was opened and three thin and tall men entered. All of them were in spectacles and was talking with each other happily as they pulled their luggage.

The one in the lead who had a crew cut hairstyle dropped his spectacles as he saw Garen inside the dorm. It was as if he was stunned when he saw a handsome man.

"Finally. The dorm alliance finally has hope.." He muttered in an unknown language.

"It’s not that we have hope, perhaps we can even find Gina’s dorm..." The one at the back with glasses muttered.

"No one would say our dorm is poor and thin any longer! Hahaha!" The last man laughed weirdly.

"Garen." Garen reached out his hand and greeted three of them.

"Messi." "Alexander." "Gattelin."

All three of them spoke in three different accents and this made Garen churn his brain to understand them.

After fooling around, they introduced themselves to one another and chatted for a while.

Alexander, who had cousins living here, went out to find them after the chat. Gattelin had a girlfriend and he had gone out as well. They could see that Garen was distancing himself away from them as he kept smiling at them out of politeness. Although he looked kind on the outside, he was actually very hard to approach. Both of them liked to joke around with their cold jokes. However, Garen didn’t know how to react to their jokes but to smile, smile and smile...

Soon, the result of smiling appeared, which was an awkward silence. Whenever a person cracked a joke, no one laughed loudly and it would be very awkward.

Hence, the other two decided to go out.

On the other hand, Messi’s personality was rather open as he didn’t care about it and chatted with Garen. As he heard that Garen was about to stroll around the university compound, he insisted that he wanted to follow along.

Two of them packed up and went out together.

Both of them changed into T-shirts, jeans and sports shoes. They didn’t take the main road as they got out of the dorm and decided to walk across the green field.

They looked at the school district nearby, the Weischer Tower. There were three of these towers and each district had one each. Every day, there would be students responsible for ringing it.

The old bell ring gave the whole university a nostalgic vibe.

"Isn’t it cool? It feels like the university in the old days and we’re the legendary elite practitioners." Messi said passionately as he would occasionally grab hold of branches along the road.

"It feels alright." Garen nodded.

"I heard from my brother that you can enroll in many clubs Gullivier University as a first year. However, it’s best not to join in too many of them as the assignments are slightly more hectic for the first years. If you don’t have enough time to study then you might be rejected for the specialized course that you wish to enroll in." Messi then casually asked. "What do you wish to major in?"

"I’m not sure. Don’t we have another year to think about it? I’ll take it slowly." Garen replied with a smile.

"I plan to major in computer science. I’m fairly decent in terms of computer technicals and one can do anything once one has mastered it. Although Gullivier’s computer science isn’t the best, it’s still much better than the others. He said as he walked and prodded a pimple on his face.

Two of them chatted on the way as they passed by all kinds of old buildings in different sizes. Most of them were decorated with arc-shaped or triangular texture and looked like broken glasses from afar.

Easels were placed in random spots on the field and at the side of the road. These easels of different sizes took up a portion of the field, forming a small exhibition. Students who had nothing better to do could go in and admire the arts.

Students and professors could occasionally be seen holding cellos, accordions or flutes as they played happily.

Other than these people, most of them were normal students who were carrying textbooks as they memorized the medical terms.

A beautiful voice could faintly be heard from one of the buildings nearby, which seemed to be from some clubs organizing a music festival.

Garen and Messi weren’t at the center of the attention as they walked slowly on the field.

They messed around until lunchtime. They went to the cafeteria to get some quick bites and paid using cash via their student ID number. Afterwards, they went straight to the hall for the first year ceremony.

The vice headmaster and the persons in charge of the three districts spoke as the crowd cheered.

Afterwards, they gave out the student ID, cafeteria card, documents required to borrow the textbooks and medical cards with numbers on it. Every student would have a dedicated doctor responsible for their health and the information of the doctor such as his name, office location, working hours and phone number was printed on it.

Students would have to make an appointment in advanced when they felt unwell and they would build a medical profile there. However, Garen seemed to never have an opportunity to use it.

After the ceremony, they then started talking about the specialized courses and what to take note as first years.

Garen didn’t get to listen to it as Messi had pulled him out of the hall.

There were all sorts of clubs filling up the whole field. It was a simple setup where a person in charge was sitting behind the table and the name of the club written on the wooden signboard. The recruiters were all presentable seniors and the handsome and beautiful ones were in the major clubs. They were using all sorts of techniques to recruit the first years.

There were a few new students who were seduced by the seniors’ beauty and were signing up for a club with an unknown name.

Messi had a clear objective. He excitedly wriggled his way within the crowd as he pulled Garen to a secluded corner.

‘Beauty Appreciation Club’ was clearly written on a white wooden board.

The senior sitting at the table looked gentle and handsome. He didn’t give off a desperate or pervert vibe at all.

"Uhh... I will pass..." The senior immediately stood up and ran towards him when he noticed Garen was looking at him. This made a shiver run down Garen’s spine.

"I’ll check that place out." He immediately got away from Messi and walked towards the clubs on the other side.

No matter how loud Messi tried to shout behind him, Garen was swarmed by multiple gentle and beautiful seniors the moment he entered the area. They were showing off their clubs as they introduced it to him.

Typically, attractive people were their favorites as this kind of resources were good to use them as a decoration in the club to lure in more people.

It was very obvious that Garen was one of them.

Hence, four or five beautiful seniors came towards him. In Garen’s eyes, these beautiful seniors were far less pretty than Rafaelle. However, they were considered above average within Gullivier.

This area’s club was coincidentally filled with Sanda, grappling, fighting, fist technique, etc.

There were a variety of styles and some styles were even from fighting games. Here, one could simply pay some fees and rent a spot to form a club. The university would be supportive as long as the club wasn’t against human society or the sort.

Garen frowned as his ears were deafened by noisy people introducing stuff to him.

"Junior Garen, why don’t you join our combat club?" A familiar voice could be clearly heard among the noise.

Garen looked at where the familiar voice came from and saw his guide, senior Serena. The girl had changed into a set of black tights attire with short lace skirt. She also had white jeans with brown belts and a ponytail as she stood beside a muscular man.

"What do you think? If you join us, you can use my name if people bully you! It’s up to you if you want to learn combat." It seemed that Serena had been targeting the first years when she was guiding the new students. No wonder the strong woman didn’t fight back when she oppressed her.

"Combat club? That largest one?" Garen noticed the club with the biggest table in the area.


"Sure," Garen replied. Serena was the only person that could be labeled a beauty in this university and combat was also one of his strongest assets.

With his approval, Serena pulled Garen to the club’s registration area, in which she obstructed everyone who tried to persuade otherwise.

He then reported his student number, dorm, and records to register for the foundation class. Under the witness of attractive people, Garen entered the combat club and became one of its members.

Then Serena placed him at the back of the booth and his first assignment was to act as a good luck charm. Everyone who signed up with Garen had seniors assisting him throughout the process.

A few girls who sat beside Garen were interested in him as they kept inquiring him about his interests.

The recruitment lasted until evening hours and ended with the members packing everything up.

The combat club wasn’t really that hectic. Occasionally, they would group together and have a sparring session, guidance from the coach and a training session. The sparring session would usually determine their clubs’ ranking and they would fight for real when there was a challenger.

Most of the martial art hobbyists would require advice from professionals. Hence the club would often organize advisory activities where the coach would be paid, albeit little, but he could receive plenty when there were a lot of people.

Naturally, there was free coaching as well. They were all enthusiasts within the clubs and would have bits of advice from the professionals. Occasionally, they would send someone to compete outside of the university and the university would reward them whenever they obtained results.

The combat club once ranked third among all the universities internationally in the MBL world combat championship. They also frequently participated in international competitions for freestyle fights. Hence, the had some formidable influence within the university. Naturally, the society’s elite members would have special treatments. This was one of the reasons why the combat club became more popular.

He found out from a few female seniors that the club even spent money to invite a coach who once won the RAB international competition. The coach was their senior’s senior Casey Bo. They also had invited a few top professionals from the open combat competition. Hence they were pretty confident in this year’s competition.

With this setup and system, it was without a doubt, a strong temptation for martial art enthusiasts.

With Garen sitting there for not more than ten minutes, the club had recruited at least ten people. Compared to the other clubs, they were totally in the league of their own.

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