Super Ability Student

Chapter 555: hostage

Although Lin Tian is not sure that the beautiful boss is Bu Mengting, jewelry has always been the favorite of robbers, and there are not many female bosses. Most of the people who are robbed are Bu Mengting.

Lin Tian was anxious, and the cold sweat behind him had already wetted him all over.

"Little wife, little wife, you must be fine, you must be fine!"

While blessing in his heart, he ran forward frantically. The pedestrian path was very narrow. He directly pulled a man in front of the block away, and the whole person ran forward like the wind.

The man who was torn away just wanted to curse Lin Tian for being immoral, but saw Lin Tian running forward like wind, and looked at the sweat stains on Lin Tian. He didn’t speak, he couldn’t believe that people can run. Out of this speed.

Faster than Bolt, how anxious this is!

"Get out, get out!"

Lin Tian kept yelling, and the people in front gave way one after another. It took Lin Tian a minute to arrive after the original five-minute journey.

In front, the police sirens buzzed, and the surrounding area was surrounded by a cordon. When Lin Tian arrived, he could not see the specific situation inside.

However, the five characters "Meng Ting Jewelry Store" are impressive, and the place where the accident happened was Bu Mengting\'s Meng Ting Jewelry Store.


Lin Tian roared and rushed in. As for the people in front of him, he tore away and squeezed in abruptly.

"Who is this, do you have quality, how can you squeeze so much!"

"Why is this man like this!"

"Too low quality."

Behind, there was a voice pointing to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian didn\'t care about these at all. In his eyes now, there was only Bu Mengting.

At the front, there was a line of warning lines, ordinary people were not allowed to enter. Lin Tian watched carefully and found that there were more than a dozen hostages squatting at the door. The middle one was Bu Mengting.

Around the hostages, there were five gunmen with guns. They covered their faces and looked like well-trained killers.

In the jewelry store, there were still a few security guards lying down, all of them were wounded, some convulsed, and some were motionless, probably dead.

The five robbers pointed their guns at a dozen hostages. These hostages could be killed by the robbers at any time.

The police dispatched more than a hundred police officers. They surrounded the entire jewelry shop. The leader was a more capable policeman. His name was Guo Yun. He was the third in command of the Wu\'an Police Station. He knew that Tianyi was behind Mengting Jewelry. Pharmaceutical, if this matter is not handled properly, his black hat will definitely be unsafe.

He shouted inside with a loud speaker:

"Listen to the people inside, you are already surrounded. Under the siege of our police, you can\'t escape. Put down your guns and hostages. I will show the mountain and give you leniency."

After he finished speaking, the palms of his hands were all sweaty. Now, he is even more nervous than the people inside. He finally climbed to the position of the third in command of the Wu\'an Police Station. If the black hat is not protected because of this, he can even The heart of death is gone!

These five robbers are obviously habitual offenders, and they are not afraid of them. The first one shouted, "Huh, we can be treated with mercy. Everyone I killed in these years can be loaded with a car. If I was caught by you, it was a dead end. "

"Quickly, remove the two snipers you arranged on both sides of the roof, or I will kill people."

What the sniper hides is very secretive, and what he can observe is enough to prove his strength.

After he finished speaking, he shook the gun in his hand and pointed the muzzle at an employee. All the employees screamed, holding their heads, and trembling.

"Good, good." Guo Yun immediately compromised and said, "Don\'t mess around, we will immediately withdraw the sniper."

The two snipers were removed, and the gangsters smiled triumphantly. Then, they looked at the watch in their hands and shouted, "The car, I asked you to prepare the car within ten minutes ten minutes ago. Now ten minutes have passed. Come, car, why not yet."

If you really give him a car, if they run away, wouldn\'t Zhou Yun have no choice but to give them a car.

Zhou Yun comforted, "Don\'t worry, the car will arrive right away. Give me another five minutes, and it will definitely arrive in five minutes. Please ensure that the hostages are safe."

"Don\'t use these words to deceive Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu is not a vegetarian. If you don\'t show you some color, you won\'t know how many eyes I have."

The gangster stared at Zhou Yun and pointed his gun back at the hostages.

"Not good." Lin Tian called out secretly.

Zhou Yun\'s face was pale, it seemed that the gangster was going to shoot.

He shouted, "Don\'t be impulsive, the car will come right away, you must ensure that the hostages!"


Before he could finish speaking, a shot rang and directly killed a female employee beside Bu Mengting!

He shot this shot at random. In other words, Bu Mengting just had good luck. If the gangster\'s muzzle was slightly off, Bu Mengting would die.

Bu Mengting screamed in fright. From a distance, Lin Tian could see her trembling all over.

Don\'t talk about a little girl, it\'s just a big man who saw his colleague who was getting along day and night was shot and killed, and he couldn\'t bear it.

Zhou Yun was also dumbfounded by killing a person. While he continued to comfort the gangster, he hurriedly sent someone to bring the car.

Most of the remaining police officers continued to confront the criminals, but a few ran out, shouting at the crowd watching the lively surrounding.

"You guys go back, it\'s too dangerous here, go back!"

The people watching the excitement saw the dead, and they were also scared, and stepped back, except for Lin Tian.

His own women are saved by themselves, and others are saved, he is not at ease.

A policeman watched Lin Tian motionless and hurriedly came to Lin Tian and said. "Sir, you leave, it\'s too dangerous here, don\'t interfere with our law enforcement, go quickly."

Lin Tian had already ignored the rules and irregularities. He stepped across the cordon and rushed towards Zhou Yun.

"Hey, stop, who are you? Don\'t stop, I\'m going to shoot!" The policeman behind kept shouting, but Lin Tian ignored him. Of course, he didn\'t dare to shoot.

Lin Tian ran in front of Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun was now sweating anxiously, staring at Lin Tian with a look of surprise.

The police ran over and explained, "Zhou Bureau, he rushed in, I can\'t stop it."

"A policeman can\'t even stop an individual. What are you doing?" Zhou Yun said angrily. He is very anxious now and has a bad temper.

He shouted to Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, we are the police. We are now dealing with the case. We are not filming a TV series. Have you seen it? People are dead there. Please leave."

Lin Tian could see that Zhou Yun was already too anxious to withdraw.

He said, "I\'m here to help you rescue the hostages. Give me a pistol and I will help you rescue the hostages."

"Hmph, kid, are you okay, save you, and want to save the hostages, don’t you know, I transferred all the most powerful officers in the police station, they have not been removed, you are just an ordinary person? , I still want to save the hostages. Humph!"

Lin Tian didn\'t care about his ridicule. Now, saving talents is the most important thing.

He strode past the police.

"Fuck, you come back, come back, don\'t interfere with our law enforcement." Zhou Yun shouted from the side.

But Lin Tian ignored him at all and walked straight forward.

Zhou Yun is going crazy now. One person has already died, which will definitely affect his official career. If Lin Tian is fooling around and kills one or two hostages, he will not only lose his black hat, but also go to jail.

"who are you."

The robber pointed his gun at Lin Tian and asked angrily.

"My name is Lin Tian. I am the owner of this jewelry store. I will be your hostage. You let go of my employees."

"Okay, come here, you come, we will let them go." The robber said.

Lin Tian nodded and walked forward step by step.

The policeman behind hurriedly shouted, "Come back, they lied to you, they won\'t let the hostage go."

"Come back quickly, don\'t go to die."

"Why are you so stupid!"


Lin Tian ignored the policemen at all. His voice was so loud that the policemen and the hostages inside heard them.

Originally, Bu Mengting was so scared that she was crying, but when she heard Lin Tian\'s voice, she stopped crying. Seeing Lin Tianwei\'s figure, she suddenly felt that she had support and was not afraid.

Husband, you must save me out. I believe that we will tide over this crisis safely.

Bu Mengting thought to herself, before she knew it, she changed from crying to laughing, and the light rain turned clear.

"Don\'t move." The robber threatened Lin Tiandao with a gun.

Subsequently, the robber leader sent a robber out and searched Lin Tian\'s body and found that he did not have a weapon. Then, he put his arm around Lin Tian\'s neck with one hand, and pointed Lin Tian\'s temple with the other to control Lin Tian. Take it back.

The gangsters did not release the rest of the hostages, but Lin Tian\'s more hostages.

Zhou Yun, who was on the opposite side, saw this situation, and he wanted to choke Lin Tian to death.

In full view, he turned an innocent passerby into a hostage. If Lin Tian happened a little bit, he would be in prison.

Later, Lin Tian was also taken to the hostage group, and happened to squat with Bu Mengting.

Lin Tian quietly leaned his body on Bu Mengting, and whispered, "Don\'t worry, little wife, even if I die today, I will save you."

Bu Mengting was moved for a while and cried, "Husband, I don\'t want you to die, we all have to go out alive, you promise me."

A very fat robber heard the conversation between Lin Tian and Bu Mengting and sneered, "I said, how dare you come here to die? It turns out that you are here to date your little lover. Why? You two want to die together. Don’t you worry, if our boss kills again, I will kill you both first."

Bu Mengting trembled with fright, Lin Tian also gritted his teeth, and said angrily in his heart: Tamade, I am not an old man, I am a hero to save the United States, I want to kill, the first one to kill you fat man.


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