Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 25 - 11 – Touring the Three Gorges

The Li ethnic young girl peeked through the window and saw Kou Zhong was having a good dream; she did not disturb him and let him stay in the dreamland.

Kou Zhong was actually awake; he was happy to enjoy the peaceful and quiet thatched hut, pondering over who might the martial art master who killed Cui Jixiu and the others be?

There was a commotion outside. Kou Zhong was startled; he sprang up and rushed out with the saber in his hand, and saw that everybody was starting to flee in confusion.

With a frightened expression on her face, the young girl was running along with the other villagers toward the mountain area, while shouting at him, “The pirates are back!”

While Kou Zhong was still bewildered over what was happening, the villagers have left until not a single one remaining.

Kou Zhong wondered if they were Cui Jixiu’s reinforcement coming to invade the area. But then he thought that Ouyang Qian’s Li Liao warriors were still in the neighboring village; they could not possibly let Lin Shihong’s thief army get away with it. Thereupon he decided to go to the beach to take a look.

Passing through a forest, the ocean ahead extended as far as the eye could see, under the bright sunlight filling the whole sky. Sure enough, he saw a ship cruising along the coastal area.

Focusing his attention to look, Kou Zhong let out a shriek, and threw himself toward the beach, while at the same time letting out a long whistle.

Surprisingly, it was Bu Tianzhi’s modified warship.

By the time Kou Zhong jumped onto the deck, Bu Tianzhi hugged him fiercely, while the rest of their men surrounded the two with thunderous cheers.

Laughing heartily, Kou Zhong asked, “Are you all right?”

Everybody replied in chorus, “We are all right!”

Grabbing his shoulder, Bu Tianzhi chuckled and said, “Although we know those Gaoli people could not do something to Shao Shuai, we were anxious for two days and two nights.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “This is called the Heaven helped me. Were it not for that storm, which came just in time, to whom the deer falls [i.e. the victor] was yet to be seen. But now that Jin Zhengzong’s multi-decked ship has turned to, at least, half dead deer, they must have been praying that Haishen Yeye [grandfather Emperor of the Sea] would bless and protect them.”

Everybody howled in laughter; the atmosphere was blazing.

Kou Zhong raised his arm and shouted loudly, “Brothers! We immediately depart for Lingnan.”

The crowd erupted in thunderous cheer.

When Xu Ziling awoke, the morning sun was already three poles high.

After going through full four sichen of regulating his breathing, the injury due to the battle against Xi Ying has disappeared without any trace. His heart was overwhelmed with emotion.

Since leaving Yangzhou and living a life as fugitives to the other end of the world, from two noisy, nameless kids, he and Kou Zhong have joined forces to assassinate Ren Shaoming, revealing their outstanding talent in the process, to the present day, where, in one-on-one duel, he made one of the Eight Major Martial Art Masters of the Demonic Way, the ‘Heavenly Lord’ Xi Ying give up his soul while nursing a grievance. As for the bizarre twists and turns in this matter, perhaps ten days and ten nights would not be enough to tell everything, not to mention it was difficult to explain.

Last night, under pressure from Xi Ying, he fused and linked up all gongfa, especially during the final hand-to-hand close combat, he started with the Bloody Battle Ten Styles taught by Li Jing, and alternately used Tu Shufang’s Severing Meridian Technique and Zhen Yan’s Handprints, to create strange moves. By the time the battle reached its peak, all the moves melted into one; where his mind went, his hand followed. This kind of carefree, pleasing and beautiful feeling, was extremely touching.

This incomparably hard-to-defeat opponent has enabled him to make an important breakthrough in the cultivation of the martial way.

Suddenly remembering his appointment with Hou Xibai, he hastily took off his Yue Shan mask, put on his long robe, and incarnated into the ‘Scar Face Guest’ Gong Chenchun. Leaving the rear courtyard of someone’s house where he had been hiding, he went to the appointed meeting place at a restaurant on the Lower Lotus Pond Street. Most of the traveling merchants and tourists who came to Chengdu for the Mid-Autumn Festival have not left town, hence the city was still unusually flourishing.

If Luoyang was called the melting pot city and county where the Han and non-Han people coexist, then Chengdu was the commerce center where the Han people deal with all different ethnic groups. It was brimming with variety of ethnic groups’ local conditions and customs and distinguishing features, which increased the brisk vitality and the atmosphere of Chengdu.

Hidden behind the scar-faced mask, naturally Xu Ziling’s sex appeal was reduced substantially, but due to his proud, tall and straight elegant body shape, he still attracted a few coquettish glances.

But Xu Ziling’s mind was only on the thought about his immediate departure; after meeting his appointment with Hou Xibai, he already made up his mind to leave Sichuan immediately, and then let the events of these last few days grow into an increasingly distant past. Shi Qingxuan’s seemingly passionate yet heartless toward him has rendered a big blow on his heart.

When he was under pressure and facing threats, he was able to cast her aside and not think about her. But like right now, when his heart was not occupied with other matters, inevitably it drifted to the scenes that recalled past memories, so much so that he was afraid he could not hold back from looking for her again, miserably trying to see if there might be a turn for the better.

Shi Qingxuan was unlike Shi Feixuan, who, from the very beginning has already raised her banner of not setting foot into the passion between a man and a woman. Presently, the most moving moment for him was the breathtaking sensation when he had just arrived at Chengdu, where he caught a glimpse of her graceful figure under the lantern light, the scene that was still lingering on his mind until now.

He did not wish to be bothered by man-woman feeling anymore, and the only way was to go far away as quickly as possible.

In Chengdu, there were many streets named after rivers, lakes and bridges, like the one he was currently walking along, the Lower Lotus Pond Street. And then there was the one he passed through just now, the Princely Dyke Street, Bluestone Bridge Street, Arching-Back Bridge Street, King’s Belt Bridge Street, and so on. Upon reaching the street, one would know that very soon one would cross over the bridge with the same name; it was a very fascinating feeling.

When the destination was in sight, Hou Xibai’s voice calling out from a small alley, “Gong Xiong, over here!”

Following the voice, Xu Ziling entered the alley, and saw Hou Xibai looking like he had spring breeze across his face. Astonished, he asked, “Has Hou Xiong made a breakthrough in the Bu Si Yin Fa?”

Hou Xibai warmly pulled his elbow to take him to the other side of the alley, saying, “You could say that. Last night Xiaodi saw Feixuan; we chatted for the whole sichen, I benefited a lot, naturally my mood could not go wrong.

Xu Ziling thought, ‘So that’s what happened’, it looked like Shi Feixuan was pretty good to him. Smiling, he said, “In that case, I should congratulate Hou Xiong. Aren’t we going into the building [orig. lou, multi-story building; perhaps he was referring to San Hua Lou]?”

Frowning deeply, Hou Xibai said, “Xiaodi was entangled by that crafty and unruly woman Fan Caiqi until I nearly lose my life; I will absolutely not show my face in public place. Did Ziling know that Xi Ying is dead?”

Putting on an act, Xu Ziling blurted out, “What?”

Exhaling slowly, Hou Xibai said, “This could be the most sensational affair in Wulin for the past few years. Last night, the returning-to-the-fray-after-a-period-of-inactivity ‘Overbearing Saber’ Yue Shan, under escort of An Long and You Niaojuan, broke Xi Ying’s Ziqi Tian Luo, and killed Xi Ying on the spot. According to eyewitness, Yue Shan’s Huan Ri Da Fa was extremely brilliant; without moving a blade he managed to take care Xi Ying, who considered himself unexcelled in the world. Ziling no longer need to have a headache in dealing with Xi Ying!”

Even with his simple character, hearing that, inwardly he was proud of his achievement. However, naturally on the surface he still put an act and did not show his bursting breast; on the contrary, he repeatedly inquired on what happened, until finally he took the opportunity to say, “Xiaodi has nothing else to do in Chengdu, I want to leave immediately. Someday, if we are brought together by fate, I will drink and chat with Hou Xiong again.”

Stunned, Hou Xibai asked, “Why does Ziling look like you are so anxious to leave? Why not stay a day or half a day longer? It’s rare that I don’t have anything important to do, let Xiaodi act as a guide to take Ziling to tour the Cong Hua Xi [lit. gurgling flower creek] in the western suburbs, to leave a beautiful memory before you go.”

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling said, “I am anxious to leave because of my appointment with Kou Zhong.”

Cutting him off, Hou Xibai laughed freely and easily, “Since Ziling insist on leaving, let Xiaodi send you off then. You were entering Sichuan via the plank walkway going around the mountain, why not leaving Sichuan via the Three Gorges [of Yangtze River: Qutang, Wuxia, and Xiling Gorges]? Xiaodi will arrange everything.”

Xu Ziling’s heart was moved; the beauty of nature attracted him more than any other things, naturally he nodded his agreement.

At dusk, the sailboat caught a tail wind, their speed doubled as they cross the South China Sea.

Coming to Kou Zhong’s side, who was standing on the bow, Bu Tianzhi said, “The land on the far right is Hepu County; the big island on the left is Zhuya County, which is also Nanhai Pai’s [South (China) Sea Sect] base camp.”

Kou Zhong cheerfully said, “No wonder people say that reading ten thousand scrolls of book is not as good as traveling ten thousand li of road; they also say that seeing something for oneself is better than hearing about it from others. It does not matter how well you guys described the scenery of Lingnan, it was not as good as the scene before my eyes right now. Hey! That kind of five-zhang tall trees, what are they called? The shape is very strange.”

Bu Tianzhi replied, “Those are coconut trees, Zhuya’s regional specialty. Evergreen across the four seasons, and the whole tree is a treasure. The trunk can be used to build houses, the fruits have abundant meat and plenty of juice, the shells can be made into various kinds of household utensils, they can even be used to resist the sea breeze.”

Gazing into the distance, Kou Zhong could only see coconut trees densely lining up the island shore, tree shadows swaying in the wind, an expanse of thick green scenery, producing rustling noise from the breeze, in cadence with the sound of the waves lapping the shore. Under the twilight sun, a few would doubt that it was the celestial scenery in the human world, an out-of-the-world peach garden of immortality.

Close to shore were more than a dozen fishing boats in full sail, returning to port. Just by looking at how deep the hull was in the water, one would know that they were returning from a rewarding journey.

Beneath the rippling, clear seawater were thousand-beauty-ten-thousand-shape colorful coral reefs. Kou Zhong mused inwardly that if he was not in a hurry, he would love to dive down to explore, which certainly would bring him endless delight.

Overwhelmed with emotion, he sighed lightly and said, “Looks like Ling Shao is smarter than me. There are so many good places on earth more than enough to travel all my life, why would I want to painstakingly struggle over the world?”

With the qualifications of one with much experience, Bu Tianzhi laughed and said, “Sometimes Zhi Shu is also like you, feeling burnout; but in a flash that feeling would vanish without any trace. People need to play around and rest; Shao Shuai is too tired!”

Embarrassed, Kou Zhong said, “I was just making a casual remark! From Nanhai Pai, I remember a certain Huang Gongcuo. I seem to remember that the Zhangmen [headmaster] is a young and promising man; what was his name again?”

Bu Tianzhi replied, “It’s Mei Xun. This year he ought to be around twenty-seven, twenty-eight years old; an expert in using golden spear, the most famous martial art master of Lingnan’s new generation, he ranks barely second to Song Shidao. But his martial art skill is definitely not under Song Shidao. It’s just that Song Que’s fame for fighting prowess is too flourishing that Song Shidao, who is related to him, is also considered a tad higher.”

Curious, Kou Zhong asked, “Why did Nanhai Pai and the Song Family become enemies?”

Bu Tianzhi replied, “This is called one mountain cannot hide two tigers. Nanhai Pai still has a little bit of influence to the coastal counties and towns. A bit deeper inland is the Song Family’s world. Tell me, how could Nanhai Pai be willing to accept that?”

Greatly interested, Kou Zhong said, “Since Song Que considers himself unexcelled in the world, why didn’t he go to Zhuya, beat old fellow Huang until he begs for forgiveness? Won’t that settle the issue?”

Bu Tianzhi laughed involuntarily and said, “Shao Shuai’s remark sounds like a naïve big kid. Perhaps defeating Huang Gongcuo is not difficult for Song Que, but then he would become the-two-cannot-exist-together mortal enemy with Nanhai Pai; there won’t be any benefit to either party. Therefore, it is still better to get along peacefully with each other.”

Kou Zhong asked, “Where am I going to go ashore tonight?”

Bu Tianzhi replied, “In two sichen, we are going to proceed into Qin River. Shao Shuai may go ashore at Zunhua, then continue north toward Yu River. After crossing the river, you will reach Yulin County. The Song Family’s mountain city is in the western suburb of Yulin City. I have prepared a detailed map, Shao Shuai shouldn’t have any difficulty in finding Song San Xiaojie [third miss].”

Kou Zhong blurted out laughing, “Even Zhi Shu is teasing me!”

While Xu Ziling was sitting alone in a corner of the inn’s dining hall enjoying tea and getting some rest, Hou Xibai came back freely and easily. He sat down and cheerfully said, “Luckily I did not disappoint you. Recently, because of the tense situation downstream, passenger ships and traveling merchants are not willing to go. Fortunately Xiaodi still have a bit of face; I went to call on the most popular Wu Jiang Bang [black river gang]. Currently, only the passenger ships that they operate are not affected by the political situation. After evening meal, Xiaodi will take Ziling to board the ship.”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Xu Ziling said, “Is it because Xiao Xian and Zhu Jie’s battle is getting intense?”

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “Probably so! You should know better than me. Three days ago the two sides fought a hard battle on the river next to Badong. Zhu Jie’s entire navy died, and the loss on Xiao Xian’s side was also quite heavy.”

Secretly Xu Ziling guessed that most probably the warship on Xiao Xian’s side was under Yun Yuzhen’s command. Thinking about this woman, a burst of hatred and disgust welled up in his heart, while he had to admit that he was completely unable to understand her. All that she did in the past, what benefit might those things bring for her?

Hou Xibai continued, “Both Zhu Jie and Xiao Xian have sent their men to Bashu as lobbyist, hoping to, at least, have Bashu’s three major powers to remain neutral. It’s just that the Li Clan’s current prestige is like the sun in the middle of the sky, so whatever they say, I am afraid in the end their work will be to no avail.”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “Zhu Jie’s lobbyist ought to be Zhu Mei. Compared to Shi Feixuan, she is like firefly compared to the sun; what kind of outcome could she possibly achieve?”

After calling the attendant and ordered some good food and drink, Hou Xibai hesitated for a moment before saying, “The current situation is obvious. Those that can contend against the Li Clan in the struggle over the world, in term of strength there is Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou, three parties. In term of personality, there is only one.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling asked, “Why did you say that?”

Hou Xibai replied, “It wasn’t me, rather, it was Shi Feixuan’s analysis. The reason why the Li Clan is able to obtain their currently favorable situation is completely due to Li Shimin being in charge of the overall situation. He is like the bright moon in the sky, the outstanding heroes [or warlords vying for supremacy] under the heavens are just the dots of starlight in the background. Although Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou, three sides have enough power to contend against him, but in the end, they cannot compare against Li Shimin in terms of political and military affairs, and will be defeated. Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou are a bit better. The former has Liu Heita, the latter has Song JinGang, both are valiant military leaders with all-around wisdom and bravery. Wang Shichong does have famous generals, but he does not know how to use them. He should be defeated the soonest, the fastest.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “This, I understand; but in term of personality there is only one, who are you referring to?”

After staring at him for half a day, Hou Xibai spoke in heavy voice, “The one Feixuan was referring to, other than your good brother Kou Zhong, who else could it be?”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “Don’t you think Shi Feixuan thinks too highly of that kid?”

Shaking his head, Hou Xibai said, “Feixuan won’t casually compliment just anybody. Both politics and military affairs, two aspects, are Li Shimin’s strong points. He is open-minded, generous in spirit, and has deep understanding on how to utilize people; a rarity since ancient times. And the only person who can strive against him is Kou Zhong. Were it not for Ziling having no intention of vying over the world, but with all your might you are helping Kou Zhong, I am afraid Li Shimin will end up nursing a grievance.”

Xu Ziling blurted out laughing and said, “Hou Xiong must not flatter us too much; the two of us just happen to be present at the right time! Looking at the current situation, we practically cannot have any accomplishment.”

Hou Xibai laughed and said, “Frankly, at that time my response to Shi Feixuan’s high assessment toward Kou Zhong was similar to yours; she was only smiling, but did not say anything. Obviously she has strong conviction of her own opinion.”

Xu Ziling pondered for a moment, and then asked, “Can I ask Hou Xiong a personal question?”

Hou Xibai calmly replied, “Ziling, please speak forthrightly; I really consider you as a close friend.”

Meeting his gaze, Xu Ziling slowly said, “In your capacity as the direct disciple and heir of Hua Jian Pai, what expectation does your esteemed master have over you? In any case, it couldn’t be just for the intoxicating song and wonderful dance, and consideration for lady’s chamber and passion, a life of wine-jar first and flowers next, could it?”

Laughing in spite of himself, Hou Xibai said, “Ziling must not laugh at me, because I am extremely in admiration and am engrossed in this kind of lifestyle. However, my pursuit is not the outer beauty of things, rather, it is the charm, grace and personality traits. Only by this will the outside and inside be identical, and will bring out the best in each other. By making that remark, Ziling is hinting that you doubt Xiaodi’s motive. With my character, I usually did not see any need to explain, but Ziling is an exception. Ay! I don’t know how to say it.”

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “If it is to embarrassing to mention, then you don’t have to answer.”

Smiling ruefully, Hou Xibai said, “Shi Shi’s only expectation on me ought to be the unification of Demonic School’s Two Sects Six Ways, to return the six volumes of the ‘Tian Mo Ce’ [demonic policy] back into one. Tell me, under current circumstances, do you think it’s impossible?”

Puzzled, Xu Ziling asked, “Both Hou Xiong and Cao Yinglong mentioned that there are only six volumes of ‘Tian Mo Ce’; but Shi Feixuan said that ‘Tian Mo Ce’ has ten volumes in total; why is that?”

Hou Xibai replied, “‘Tian Mo Ce’ originally had ten volumes, but what we inherit today are only six volumes.”

The food and wine arrived. The two toasted each other.

Xu Ziling still did not understand, “Since Hou Xiong is a demonic school disciple, how could there be so much difference with the other demonic school people? To say the least, you and Yang Xuyan are two different kind of people.”

Hou Xibai grabbed a mantou [steamed bun] and handed it over to Xu Ziling, saying, “I am afraid it is a bit related to nature and nurture. Although my character and my conduct are straightforward, but because I take pleasure in various arts, like painting, for example, I have no ambition toward power, riches and honor. In fact, this is also Hua Jian Pai’s tradition: the pursuit of self-improvement, not to drift with the waves and go with the flow.”

Puzzled, Xu Ziling asked, “In that case, why was Hua Jian Pai considered to be heretical and demonic way?”

A hint of helpless smile escaped from the corner of Hou Xibai’s mouth; he answered calmly, “First of all, Hua Jian Pai’s martial art originated from the Tian Mo Ce; this is an undeniable fact, nobody can say otherwise. Secondly, because Hua Jian Pai’s xinfa emphasizes entering passion before getting out of passion, only then one would surpass the true meaning of attitude of the heart and grasping the passion. To a lot of people, this is precisely one hundred percent heretical and strange behavior.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “It is indeed very difficult for people to accept. If Hou Xiong appeared publicly as Wuqing Gongzi [pitiless – no passion, prince (reminder: Hou Xibai’s nickname was ‘Duoqing Gongzi’, which literally means ‘young master with lots of passion’)], others couldn’t say anything instead.”

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “Our Sect’s xinfa is extremely subtle; it is rare that once Ziling hear it, you understand immediately. The reason why Shi Shi, using a thousand ways, a hundred plans, created the Immortal Image method was precisely to make a breakthrough in Hua Jian Pai’s xinfa. Otherwise, because of Bi Xiuxin, he would never be able to advance and pry into the demonic school way, he could only obtain it partially, but not wholly.”

His heart was moved, Xu Ziling asked, “Hou Xiong is unable to paint Shi Feixuan on your fan, was it also because of ‘entering passion, but unable to get out of passion’?”

Shaken, Hou Xibai said, “Finally Ziling could see through it. Our humble Sect wants to wander about unhurriedly among the blossoms [reminder: Hua Jian literally means ‘among the flowers’], aiming to be free and at leisure, to be passionate as well as without passion. Once the passion is made known, it can be covered for the sake of passion, it can take advantage of the demonic way for the sake of the heart. Therefore, although I could obtain only half of the Immortal Image Scroll, it is of a great significance for me.”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “Time is running out! Let Xiaodi toast Hou Xiong with a cup.”

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