Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 461 Do Killers Like You Need to Sign a Contract As Well?

Chapter 461 Do Killers Like You Need to Sign a Contract As Well?

“What? Aren’t you leaving yet?” Li Yong steps forward and approaches Master Dou little by little.

Master Dou also wants to leave. But he is afraid that Li Yong will harm him from behind. After deliberation, he suddenly speaks up, “Bai Qingting, I’ll give you a chance. If you arrest this guy, I’ll let you go.”

Although Bai Qingting doesn’t recognize Li Yong and doesn’t know what Li Yong is like and how powerful he is, she can see that as soon as Li Yong is here, Master Dou immediately stops being arrogant and becomes cowardly.

Even if Master Dou is afraid of Li Yong, Bai Qingting surely dares not make a move against him with ease.

However, despite the fact that Bai Qingting is smart, it doesn’t necessarily mean that her subordinates are smart as well.

While Bai Qingting remains still and ignores Master Dou’s words, two of the people she has brought with her suddenly jump on Li Yong. They actually have obeyed Master Dou’s order and intend to capture Li Yong.

Li Yong snaps his fingers, making those two men suddenly fall to the ground. However, Master Dou takes advantage of this moment, jumps into the air all of a sudden, and makes a getaway, leaving a golden afterimage.

Seeing that Master Dou has fled, Bai Qingting takes her men and turns to flee as well.

They came here by climbing the cliff. And they now slide down the cliff as they escape. For the one whom even Master Dou is afraid of, they fear him so much as well. Consequently, regardless of whether their people have died or not, they should make a getaway first.

In the blink of an eye, there are only some fallen people left on the Sea View Cliff. And if they could run away, they would have done so long ago.

Li Yong doesn’t harm Bai Qingting’s subordinates. Following the principle that “The enemy of your enemy is your friend”, he also extracts the silver needles out of the two people who have moved against him, wakes them up, and signals them to run away.

Then, Li Yong returns along the way he came and arrives in front of Dog-head. Du Duoduo is waiting here. She has eradicated all of Dog-head’s men, leaving only one of them alive, who can’t die even if he wants to.

Crouching in front of Dog-head, Li Yong asks slowly, “I’m Li Yong. I don’t even know you. We hold no grudge against each other. Why did you post a mission to get me killed on the Paradise Website? Why did you intend to kill me?”

“Don’t try to get what you want out of me. You’d better just kill me!” Dog-head has already anticipated his death. Now that he is covered in wounds, feeling painful. It would be a pleasure for him if he was shot to death.

“It’s not easy to be alive. How can I let you die with such ease? If you don’t answer my question, you won’t die at all,” After saying that, Li Yong takes out a silver needle, which turns out to be exactly the Three Demons’ Needle, and stabs Dog-head on his body three times.

Dog-head changes the look on his face. Then he howls. And two minutes later, he succumbs.

“I am confiding. I will confide everything. I was...”

As Dog-head is about to reveal the reason for issuing an assassination mission to kill Li Yong, all of a sudden, two men jump out of the woods, wield a blade and a sword respectively, and strike at Li Yong at the same time.

As Li Yong sees that they are violent and fierce, taking the safety of Du Duoduo into consideration, he pulls Du Duoduo to the side to avoid them.

As it turns out, the two men are not aiming at him and Du Duoduo, but at the seriously injured and dying Dog-head.

They behead Dog-head with a blade directly and pierce his Dog-head’s heart with a sword downright. The sword and the blade are so sharp that Dog-head is instantly dismembered and thoroughly pierced through. There is no chance that he can be alive.

Raising their sword and blade, instead of chasing after Li Yong and Du Duoduo, these two assume a defensive stance and stare at them.

On this pitch-black night, it seems that they can see Li Yong and Du Duoduo pointing at them with their weapons. Li Yong and Du Duoduo look like hungry beasts that are good at disguising. It seems that they are ready to pounce on them and take a bite at any moment.

Du Duoduo can’t see their faces at all and could only see two figures.

Li Yong, who has his clairvoyant vision turned on, can see their looks clearly.

The one holding a blade is a man in a white vest with dark skin, looking like a cropper who has been exposed to the sun and rain. The one holding a sword is a Taoist priest in a Taoist uniform, looking tall and thin. With a beard and long hair, he seems to have come from ancient times.

The two powerful scents of danger that Li Yong has perceived on the way here are coming from these two.

At this time, as they emit their powerful and overwhelming aura, Du Duoduo is so scared that she dares not make a random move. Even Li Yong, who is secretly scrupulous about them, dares not take action with ease.

Judging from their moves of beheading Dog-head, they aren’t very awesome, but Li Yong dares not take them lightly either.

“Who are you guys?” Li Yong holds a standoff with them for a moment. Seeing that they don’t have any intention of taking action, Li Yong asks angrily, “Why did you kill Dog-head while I was asking him questions? Could it be that you wanted to answer my question instead?”

“Hand Shi Ying over to us,” the priest speaks up. His voice sounding thin, it seems that he seldom speaks.

“Do you guys want Shi Ying as well?” Li Yong is so surprised. And then he sneers, “If you are capable, come and get it by yourselves!”

The Taoist priest and the powerful man stare at each other. And the Taoist priest asks, “Why is Shi Ying at your hands?”

Li Yong asks rhetorically, “Why can’t I have Shi Ying in my hands?”

The Taoist priest asks again, “Is this Shi Ying an authentic one? Or is it fake?”

“If you’re capable of snatching it into your hands and have a look at it, you’ll know the answer by then.” Li Yong sneers.

“Stop talking about the nonsense. Let’s teach him a lesson.” The cropper gets impatient and slashes with his blade directly.

Looking at this simple move, Li Yong actually has a feeling that he can’t dodge it. He immediately realizes that the cropper is a true expert, whose swordsmanship has reached the point where the formless is the best form. The simpler his move is, the more powerful he is.

Since Li Yong can’t dodge him, he has no choice but to swing Shi Ying and fight hard.

“Crack!” There is a piece of white light. As Shi Ying and the large blade clash together, Li Yong and the cropper sweep by each other. By the time they turn around, they see that the large blade has been broken. The cropper stands where he is, feeling overwhelmingly astounded.

However, the Shi Ying in Li Yong’s hand is intact, which is still so black and shiny and doesn’t even have a cracker. However, Li Yong feels that his purlicue is numb from the shock. And the power of the large blade is so powerful that he almost gets injured because of the shock.

It also makes Li Yong realize that the cropper carrying the blade isn’t less powerful than him. Moreover, there is a lean and tall sword-raising Taoist. The two of them may have been stronger than him and Du Duoduo. Facing such opponents, Li Yong becomes more and more alert.

“It is authentic.” The cropper blurts out, who seems to be mumbling.

“How could it be?” The Taoist priest is also greatly shocked. Even his hand that is holding a sword is shaking a bit.

They don’t continue to fight either. It seems that they fear Li Yong very much, the same way as Li Yong takes them seriously.

At this time, Li Yong’s cell phone lights up, and it doesn’t have a ringtone because it’s set into silent mode. Hongyu and Lyu Chun, who have been waiting in the woods and can’t get any news from Li Yong, call him uneasily, intending to ask about how the situation is going on.

Instead of answering the call, Li Yong faces the cropper and the Taoist priest in a calm and stern manner. Without knowing whether they are friends or foes, he dares not to take them lightly.

After a moment of silent hostility, the priest asks again, “How did you get an authentic Shi Ying Dagger?”

Li Yong feels that it isn’t a good idea for them to be at a standoff like this. So he replies indifferently, “My master gave it to me.” It isn’t a secret anyway. It seems that everyone knows about how he has got Shi Ying except for these two.

“Who is your master?” The Taoist priest changes the look on his face. There is no telling whether he is happy or concerned. He looks so odd anyway.

“Lin Tao,” Li Yong replies faintly once again. This is the first time he has given out his master’s name to an outsider.

“Huh?” The cropper shouts as his whole body shakes. He seems to be taken aback.

“Salute, Host.” The Taoist priest is shrewder. He has put away his long sword and kneels down on one knee, looking extremely respectful.

“Salute, Host.” The cropper comes to his senses later. Then he takes a glance at the Taoist Priest and also follows suit. As he kneels on one knee, he reveals an expression that is simple as well as respectful. And his voice sounds extremely loud.

Li Yong is surprised. He never expects that the first time he has revealed his master’s name will cause such a magical effect.

This sudden change of event makes Li Yong feel unreal. Just now, he was very cautious and had to be on guard against them. And in the blink of an eye, the two of them are kneeling and worshipping him. Li Yong can’t help but ask, “Who are you guys?”

The Taoist priest has a cheap smile on his face, “Host, I am the Taoist Priest of Nanyang, a disciple of Nanshan School.”

The cropper also looks happy. And as soon as the Taoist Priest finishes his words, he hurriedly follows, “Host, I am Lummox, a disciple of Nanshan School as well.”

Taoist Priest of Nanyang then says, “Ever since Nanshan School was burned to the ground by fire twenty years ago, we haven’t gone back there and had no idea that Master had chosen a new host. I’m sorry for the misunderstandings just now, Host.”

It is clear that Lummox isn’t as eloquent as the Taoist Priest of Nanyang. He ponders on it and shouts, “Host, I’m sorry.”

Li Yong smiles happily. He never expects that he will meet people on his side here. Judging from the terrifying strength of these two, Li Yong gets a profound understanding of the unfathomable nature of Nanshan School.

Although this Shi Ying Dagger makes him go through calamity, it brings him good luck as well. Facing the Shi Ying Dagger, some people have sinister intentions, but some others reconcile with people from the same clan and family with its help.

“So we’re all from the same school. Get up and answer my question.” Li Yong immediately becomes energetic.

Taoist Priest of Nanyang says in a respectful manner, “Host, feel free to ask us any question you want.”

“Why did you kill Dog-head?”

“Host, we work around for others just to make a living. We found a new boss two years ago. The boss suspected his men of betraying him. So he let us spy on his men in the dark. We have been spying on Dog-head these days. To be honest, Host, the reason why this Dog-head issued an assassination mission against you is that our boss asked him to do so.”

Li Yong frowns and asks, “Oh, is your boss the one who wants to kill me?”

“No, our boss won’t kill others randomly. He is a businessman. When someone turns to our boss, as long as they are willing to pay to make it profitable for him, he will help them. Host, issuing a mission to assassinate you is just a small favor our boss has done for someone.”

Li Yong directly commands them, “I want to find out who this person is. Ask your boss about his identity.”

Taoist Priest of Nanyang says seriously, “Yes. When we go back, we will immediately talk to our boss. And when we have the result, we will come over and report it to you at once, Host.”

“More talk? Can’t you just give him a phone call?” Li Yong doesn’t want to wait anymore! He wants to know who the one intending to get him killed is now. He hates him to the core and makes up his mind in secret that he surely should find out who he is and get rid of him.

“Host, we can’t call the boss.” Taoist Priest of Nanyang looks embarrassed and apologetic.

“What kind of hell boss is this? Doesn’t he even have a cell phone? You should stop following him. Follow me from now on!”

“Host, we signed a five-year contract with our boss. And we’ll be working for him for another three years.”

“Do people engaged in your line of work need to sign a contract as well?” Li Yong really doesn’t expect that the contract system has been implemented in the killers’ circle.

Seeing Taoist Priest of Nanyang and Lummox nod solemnly, Li Yong doesn’t make things difficult for them. He just asks them to be dedicated to finding out who that person is and stop working for that boss three years later.

If Li Yong is going to rebuild Nanshan School, he will need the help of disciples like Taoist Priest of Nanyang and Lummox.

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