Perfect Superstar

Chapter 116

Although it wasalready past 11 o’clock in the evening, the TV broadcasting building was stillbrightly lit and busy.

As a leadingrole in local satellite TV stations, Xiangnan Satellite TV, after more than 20years of development, can be regarded as one of the overlords on the domesticTV screen. In particular, the excellent production of variety shows that emergesone after another, which has long guided the trend of the industry.

Therefore,in terms of advertising performance, beside the giant CCTV, Xiangnan SatelliteTV is the most outstanding. With abundant funds and flexible system, thevariety show under the satellite TV has repeatedly created a viewing miracle.

However, inrecent years, Xiangnan Satellite TV has also been strongly challenged byDonghai Satellite TV, Jiangning Satellite TV and so on.

Therefore,the major program groups of the satellite TV are facing various pressure.

In theprogram department on the 17th floor of the Satellite TV Building, theconference room is packed with smoke and the atmosphere was tense.

There wasvideo, which at the moment is in a pause state, that was being projected on thewall, displaying "Super Singer" Beijing singing district auditionscene with the four judges clearly into view.

One of themwas sitting in the conference room, looking pale, embarrassed and restless.

For thiswell-known host of Xiangnan Satellite TV, tonight is destined to be a shamefulday for Zhang Xiaoan.

It is notterrible to make mistakes. What’s terrible is when one keeps making mistakesagain and again. If one made a mistake, one should make up for it. But if one’smistake is made public for millions of people to see, the result wouldn’t justbe terrible, it will be terrifying.

Lu Chen beingeliminated by the "Super Singer" program team was originally only atrivial matter. Just a newcomer that wanted to set off a storm. XiangnanSatellite TV could easily crush him without any effort.

That’s whatZhang Xiaoan thought a few hours ago, and he was even proud of his blog post.

With modest,sincere and graceful words, Lu Chen stepped silently into the mud, and with thetacit cooperation of Chen Zhenni and Zhuang Hao, they directly struck a bignail in the coffin of the little newcomer who doesn’t know the immensity ofheaven and earth.

However, heor everyone could not have imagine that it only took just over an hour forthing to turn around. The blogger named Stray Cat unexpectedly revealed theaudition video of Lu Chen being eliminated!

According tothe rules of program production, shouldn’t such videos be edited and deleted inthe first place?

How did itget leaked? How can someone else get it!

When ZhangXiaoan saw this video on the Internet, there were almost 10,000 grass and mudhorses galloping past in his heart, trampling on his dignity to pieces - it wastoo shameful!

The video isless than five minutes. And within that time, his face which was covered withfake modesty, sincerity, elegance and kindness was forcefully peeled off, sothat all the netizen in the country could see the essence of hypocrisy inside.

On the wayto the conference room after receiving the urgent notice from the program team,he was in a daze.

Zhang Xiaoanknew that he was in big trouble this time.

"You’rein big trouble!"

XiangnanSatellite TV’s deputy director, Ji Ruicai, who is in charge of the programdepartment, slammed the table and roared loudly, "The station attaches somuch importance to you. So much resources have been allocated to you, and youactually made such a big mess for the station?"

"Askyourself, what should you do now? Who will clean up this mess for you? "

There wassilence in the conference room, and a few unrelated people smoked in low spiritand looked very ugly.

Ji Ruicaiwas really angry.

He had onlyjust learned about it in the evening, and he had no idea that it would havesuch serious consequences.

The people underthe program team can only bear being bullied by Ji Ruicai. This common practicein the TV station wasn’t formed in one or two days, and even if his new youngergeneration wants to carry out reform, they must not be in a hurry. (TN: Furtherexplanation at the end)

What he couldn’tstand was that as current program team of the station’s variety show trumpcard, "Super Singer", there was actually a leak from their side, and they werecaught in such a situation and put themselves in a very unfavorable situation.

What ashame!

Ji Ruicaialso knows that now is not the time to pursue responsibility, the key is how tocalm the storm to eliminate its adverse effect.

XiangnanSatellite TV has been so popular that in recent years, its development has beensmooth. Like the saying "tall trees attract the wind", it is not known how manypairs of eyes are staring at it in the dark or in the open. And with such ascandal, it would be strange if no one would stir up trouble.

Especiallythis time, when "Super Singer" set up the Beijing Competition area, launchinga challenge against Beijing Satellite TV’s "Singing China". It isimpossible for Beijing Satellite TV to not know anything. Perhaps the leaked videoincident has something to do with them.

However,there is no evidence to prove this, and there are many possibilities for theleaked video. Even if Xiangnan Satellite TV immediately launched aninvestigation, it is also unlikely to come to light in a short period of time.

After all,the leak came from Beijing City, and not from their headquarters at Shacheng.

Therefore, JiRui called the relevant people together for an emergency meeting, and thesubject of the discussion was not to pursue responsibility.

The deputydirector of marketing hesitated and said, "Inspur Blog has already beencontacted. The other party promised to control the spread of the situation, butwanting to delete all the relevant blog posts, that will be impossible."

"We arealso in touch with Sky Forum. We are trying to eliminate the adverse effects tothe greatest extent possible."

The MarketingDepartment of Xiangnan Satellite TV is in the forefront of many departments ofthe TV station in terms of strength and power. In case of unexpected events,the Marketing Department will carry out an emergency public use of the satelliteTV’s network resources to solve the problem.

XiangnanSatellite TV and Inspur Blog have a long-term cooperative relationship. If thematter is not big, it can easily be suppressed.

But thesituation tonight is clearly unusual.

The deputydirector couldn’t help glancing at Zhang Xiaoan with infinite grievances in hiseyes.

What is a pigteammate? This is it!

He postedseveral blog posts, and as long as he moved his finger, the marketingdepartment would wipe his butt. But he doesn’t know how much effort it willtake!

The deputydirector of the marketing department really wanted to swallow Zhang Xiaoan whole.

Ji Ruicaialso wants to eat people, but as a senior leader in the TV station, he mustproceed from the overall situation.

"Nowthat things have happened, it’s too late to regret it. We can only find a wayto solve it."

"All wecan do is to continue to do a good job in this program seriously, and there canbe no more mistakes!"

"Thejudges of the National Finals, don’t let that Chen Zhenni get on board."

"AndZhuang Hao, notify him that his contract will be terminated."

"As forwho else is responsible, the plan of the station is not to investigate it forthe time being. Just keep that in mind."

"Inaddition, Zhang Xiaoan..."

Ji Ruicai’s coldeyes fixed on the culprit: "Give your blog account and password to themarketing department. Your suspension begins today. As to when will you resumework, just wait for a notice."

ZhangXiaoan’s face suddenly became as pale as a paper.

His lips twitcheda few times, trying to explain himself, but finally, he just keenly hung hishead down.

Zhang Xiaoanknew that he’s really finished this time. Despite his reputation among varietyshow hosts, there are many competitors waiting for him to leave early.

Making sucha big mess and still want to occupy his position and not be let go, he must bedreaming!


They saidthat they would not hold someone responsible for the time being, but the raisedbutcher’s knife was already chopped down.

The others justlook at him from the corner of their eyes. They couldn’t help but be saddened by his misfortune, but to say thatthey sympathize with him is also nonsense. (TN: From the corner of their eyes -maybe they can’t look at him directly.)

As thedirector of the program department, Ji Ruicai needs an explanation for both thetop and the bottom. Zhang Xiaoan is undoubtedly the best scapegoat, and thebest target for killing the chicken to frightened the monkey. (TN: killing thechicken to frightened the monkey - make an example to warn others.)

If hedoesn’t go down, will everyone be tied up with him?

Aftersetting the tune, Ji Ruicai picked up his cup and drank the cold tea.

He tappedthe table with his index finger, and sadly said, "Comrades, you mustremember the lesson this time. Xiangnan Satellite TV’s present good situationis hard to come by and it really can’t be worsened anymore!"

After awhile, he asked, "What’s the difference between the ratings over there andours now?"

Ji Ruicai’squestion was a bit confusing, but soon someone replied, "Last time, ourprogram was 3.75%, and they were 3.49%, a difference of 0.26%."

Ji Ruicainodded: "Only 0.26%. That’s very close. I don’t know how much impact thisincident will have, but you must make every effort to make a good new programto atone for it!"

The lastfour words are so heavy that they can even be the final words for the membersof the "Super Singer" program team.

You are allguilty, but for the sake of the overall situation, you will not be immediatelyconvicted!

A lot of people’slooks present have changed.

Ji Ruicai didn’tfeel that there was anything wrong with what he said. Before the meeting, healready knew the whole story before and even watched Lu Chen’s audition video.

Such atalented singer and songwriter was force to go to their competitor under the suppressionfrom their own side. It was a completely inexcusable mistake, and a crimeagainst Xiangnan Satellite TV!

Ji Ruicai alsoclearly knows who the real culprit is, but the other party has deep connectionsand strong background, and is inextricably linked to the TV station’s topmanagement. Even if he wants to make a move to the other party, he’s not ableto do so.

Therefore,Ji Rui decided to hold back for the time being, because even if he doesn’tspeak, there would be people who could not bear it. Then there would be a goodshow, and when necessary, he wouldn’t mind pushing it again!

As for ZhangXiaoan, who is said to have an ambiguous relationship with a certain stationleader.

As anewcomer, who wants to establish his own authority. How can he not cut off the headof such significant person?

Thinking ofthis, Ji Rui slammed the cup on the table: "The meeting is over!"


While theemergency meeting of the Xiangnan Satellite TV Program Department has ended,the battle in the Inspur blog was still in full swing!

Thousands ofLu Chen’s fans, with Lu Family Army as the main core, under the command of LiMubai and Li Feiyu, launched a flood of attacks on the selected targets. Theyhave already successfully completed many posts.

Inspur Bloghas naturally become the last and most important battlefield.

Until theyreturn all the humiliations they’ve suffered before, they will never stop!


TN: Being bullied here means he’s using hisstatus as their boss to scold/blame them. Common practice wasn’t formed in aday or two means this kind of thing have been happening in their work/company,just like in real life (unless your boss is nice). So, even if his subordinateswant a reform/change, they can’t rush it.

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