The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 98 - Amputation

The hairs on Syryn\'s neck were raised. His instincts were screaming bloody murder as his demon fought to take over. All he had to do was spring his wings open and fly away from the monstrosity that was chasing him from hell.

Riaku and the other avians were momentarily stunned by the sight of Syryn running from a sandstorm. Turbulence in the fog behind him parted the grey smoky walls to reveal a centipede-like monster with hundreds of long spindly legs. All hell broke loose when Riaku shouted out an order for the birds to flee. The golem was a forgotten enemy as the avians wasted no time in disengaging. Every one of them flew away from the rampaging creature as fast as their wings could carry them. 

Syryn who was running for dear life almost wept in relief when he felt Riaku\'s arms go around his waist. The prince was a fast flier. No sooner had he swooped down to grab Syryn, than he started gaining height, widening the gap between them and the monster.

The golem was unfortunately not as lucky. Without the speed and wings that had aided the avians in their escape, the golem found itself fighting off a hungry fog creature. Dwarfed in both size and strength, it was easily subdued. Syryn had hoped for the two monsters to keep each other busy just a while longer but it didnt happen. He watched the remnants of its stony body being pulled under the elongated belly of the creature. The teen was astonished by the image of intestine like ropes that were firmly wrapped around the struggling golem. The ropes and their prey soon disappeared inside the gaping hole that opened in the underbelly of the monster.

"Your highness!" The avians had opened a new rift and were standing guard, waiting for Riaku and Syryn to go through it. The alchemist heard the sound of scuttling legs behind them as he was taken through the hole in the air. One second he was inside the path, and then he was out the next. Syryn\'s searching gaze found Lucien waiting just next to the exit. He was immensely relieved to see the boy safe and sound.

One by one, the remaining avians flew through the hole. Gosan was the last to exit but he still had to close off the rift before they could relax. The navigator held out his arm to banish the hole but something else had come through with them. Barbed whips and slimy fat ropes flew through the rift to wrap themselves around Gosan\'s leg.

Horrified as they were, the avians were fast to react to this new emergency. The closest guards immediately attacked the ropes but they were immune to magic. Not even elemental attacks could hurt them. The slimy ropes pulled at him but Gosan was held in place by a quick earth spell that anchored him to the ground.

"Close the rift!" Riaku\'s frantic order roused the struggling navigator. At this moment, the prince drew his sword and began hacking at the magic immune intestines. His weapon was a cruel-looking thing with serrated edges that gleamed wickedly. It ate through the ropes but there were too many to cut through fast enough.

Syryn watched with trepidation as a barbed tentacle drove its pointed edges deep inside Gossan\'s leg. It clamped its length around the leg hard enough that cracking sounds were heard. The ropes then yanked the avian who let out a scream of pain. Both of his legs were now broken - one damaged more than the other.

As the avians fought to free him from the bindings, Gosan was being dragged into the rift. The navigator struggled hard but one leg was already going inside the path. In the next few seconds, he would be cut in half by the closing rift.

Riaku made a split-second decision. The prince forcefully swung his sword down on Gosan\'s tibia so that it cut through the flesh and bone as cleanly as was possible. It was a sacrifice necessary to save the navigator\'s life. 

Having being separated from the part of his leg that was inside the path, Gosan was saved, but he was bleeding out profusely. The remaining intestines retracted back into the rift just as the seams of it winked out of existence.

"What the hell was that??" Lucien loudly asked.

"A hungry boy," Syryn shakily answered. 

He focused on the crushed leg as he took stock of Gosan\'s situation. Flipping open his satchel, the alchemist retrieved a hemostatic solution. It was a temporary fix to buy them some time. The bleeding was staunched when Syryn vigorously doused it in liquid.

"Gosan, I have to amputate your left leg," Syryn solemnly informed him. The navigator\'s remaining leg that went below the knee was a mess of splintered bones and minced meat. There was no saving it. If Syryn left the damaged parts attached to his body, an infection would set in and kill the avian.

"Right here?" Riaku asked. Sunrise was just peeking and there was enough light for Syryn to work with. He nodded at the prince.

"I can do it here but I need a raised surface to work on."

Gosan was sweating and moaning in pain. Syryn realised he hadn\'t given him anything for the pain yet. Reaching into his satchel again, the alchemist took out a piece of valerian root.

"Chew on this. It\'ll help with the pain but you might start hallucinating." Syryn told the navigator.

"There\'s a cottage about five minutes of flight time from here," Riaku told Syryn. "Will Gosan be alright if we fly him there?"

"Five minutes is doable," Syryn replied. His main concern had been the bleeding of Gosan\'s leg but the potion had done a good enough job on it for the moment.

Wasting little time, Lucien, Syryn, and Gosan were carried by the avians. The redhead flew with Rei, Syryn with Riaku, and Gosan with two other avian guards. It took less than 3 minutes for the avians to get to their destination. The cottage that they landed on had an opening on the roof, making it easily accessible to fliers. Syryn noticed from the air that the only doors of the cottage were on the roof.

"Wen, boil a pot of water. Fei, clear a table for Gosan. Rei, standby by for instructions and learn from the healer. The rest of you - get into defensive positions around the cottage," Riaku gave his orders and turned to Syryn. "Rei will assist you but if there\'s anything else you require, call for me."

"I might need your help to hold Gosan down while I amputate his leg," Syryn told him. "I only have valerian root on me. It won\'t put him to sleep so I can\'t guarantee a pain-free experience."

The prince nodded gravely. His concern for the navigator was obvious to the alchemist.

"Let\'s begin."


Gosan was laid out on the table - eyes glazed over, slack-jawed, and motionless. Syryn had fed him more valerian root before they\'d begun. Rei was beside him listening intently to Syryn\'s instructions while the prince stood on the other side of the table and observed dispassionately.

"What\'s the extent of your healing knowledge?" Syryn asked the purple masked guard after they had both disinfected themselves and their tools.

"I received my third finger this year," Rei replied. The universal crest for a full-fledged healer was a variation of an open palm. Each unfurled finger of the palm communicated the level of training received by the healer. 3 fingers were still higher than Syryn\'s zero fingers. He was a quack teaching a half certified healer.

"Have you ever done an amputation?" Syryn asked while using boiled ink to mark out the level of amputation on Gosan\'s skin.

"Surgery begins at the fourth finger. I\'m afraid all I have is theoretical knowledge," Rei said in a subdued tone.

"Oh?" Syryn then raised his brows at Riaku. "Dont you have a fully-fledged healer? Why are you forcing a soldier to take up healing duty?"

"This wasn\'t supposed to a dangerous trip," Riaku replied. "He is with us in the capacity of a bodyguard, not a healer."

The alchemist pulled out a brand new scalpel from a surgery set that he had been saving for such an occasion. In the past, Syryn had been deadly with a scalpel in his hand. He had, however, dropped the bad habit of carrying it around in his pocket.

The teen began to make an incision on the marked line that went around Gosan\'s leg. The man was mercifully completely out of it and did not utter a single sound when Syryn began advancing through the layers of meat and fat.

"Do you discern what I\'m doing?" He asked the silent guard.

"Removing the patellar ligament from the tibial tuberosity."

"Good. We\'re going to separate the distal part of the leg from the knee joint while preserving the cruciate ligaments and the posterior capsule."

Riaku watched with complete fascination as the alchemist worked and lectured a serious Rei. The guard was wholly focused on the dextrous hands that were working on Gosan\'s knee. 

"What\'s this?" Syryn pointed with his scalpel at an exposed blood vessel.

"Popliteal vessel," Rei replied. "A continuation of the superficial femoral artery."

"Do you want to ligate it?" Syryn asked with a smile. He liked this smart and attentive student of his.

Rei shook his head. "I can\'t do such delicate work."

"Watch me closely then," Syryn told him. "I favour silk over catgut as it has better ligation qualities."

"So silk is better than catgut?" Rei asked. Most healers used silk but he hadn\'t been given a good reason other than \'silk is better.\'

"It\'s a matter of preference," Syryn replied. "Catgut is prone to fraying while silk has an increased risk of suture related infections."

Rei pondered over why he hadn\'t been taught this by his teachers. "I\'ve never come across a proper comparison between the two."

Syryn had deduced by himself the risks of silk sutures after multiple surgeries on unwilling patients. It was no surprise that Rei couldn\'t find information about it.

"The sciatic nerve has to be ligated next." His fingers moved so smoothly that they awed Rei. Having had the opportunity to watch a healer suturing wounds during war, Rei understood the difference in skill level that elevated Syryn above others. He was now curious about the teen. How many people had he operated on to gain this much experience?

"Now I\'m going to shave the femur down to a box, distal to proximal. Pass me the bone chisel."

While shaving the bone, Syryn continued to gauge Rei\'s knowledge.

Not long into his questioning, Gosan had started moaning in pain again. "Give him more valerian root," Syryn instructed.

"How much?"

"5 grams. We\'re getting to the upper limit of valerian dosage. Any more and he\'ll go into full and permanent psychosis." Syryn had to close Gosan up before he came to his senses.

"Why aren\'t you removing the patella?" Rei asked.

"Weight-bearing," Syryn simply answered. "For reinforcing the ligaments and tendons."

From the corner of his eyes, Syryn saw Riaku shudder. The movement was almost imperceptible. The prince\'s fingers squeezed around the handle of his sword, covering up the slight tremor in them.

"Excuse me." Riaku had scarcely said the words when he turned and left.

"What\'s wrong with him?" Syryn asked his student who was momentarily distracted by Riaku\'s hasty exit.

"His highness must perform his duty," Rei replied. "He will be back."

Syryn pretended he didnt hear the gloom in Rei\'s voice.

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