Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 1678:

But now, Yu Ziyu has stepped into the half-step eternity, touching the real eternity.

All these strange supernatural powers and secrets engraved on the laws actually appeared in Yu Ziyu\'s mind.

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying the half-step eternity is.

It is no exaggeration that these guys can be called \\\'the master of the law\\\'.

As long as they want to, they can master all the secrets of the predecessors about the application of the law.

Of course, this also requires talent and time.

For example, Yu Ziyu\'s mind flashed away in the \\\'seven-fold space\\\'.

This is a great method created by a family of angels who carry space a few epochs ago.

Based on the laws of space, in an instant, seven layers of space are interwoven.

Seven layers of space are interlocked,

Layer upon layer…

Between each other, as if one, into an absolute barrier.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that the seventh-layer space can be immortalized just like the \\\'unlimited spell\\\' practiced by Yu Ziyu.

That is to say, if Yu Ziyu cultivated this secret technique, he would be able to cultivate seven different spaces around him, constantly interweaving. And he himself is in the deepest part of the seventh-layer space.

"Sevenfold is only an approximation. The real horror is that it can be endless...\\"

In the soft whisper, Yu Ziyu also saw through the reality of the seven-layer space at a glance.

Very good means.

It\'s just, unfortunately,

It\'s of little use to him.

Not only him, every Half Step Eternal will only use these imprints as a reference.

Few really practice.

After all, they who can set foot on half-step eternity, their understanding of the law has exceeded 99.9%...

Do not,

In a nutshell, it surpasses everyone.

And how can they practice the secret method of the weak.

More just for reference.

And then perfect their own secrets.

To put it simply, the powerhouse of the half-step eternal level is the master of the law.

In the true sense of the existence of the rule of law.

Not only can the laws be reversed and reversed, but also the rest of the powerhouses who bear the laws can be suppressed.

Even, directly comprehend their application of the law.

And this is also part of the means of the Eternal Venerable.

Eternity...a being that stands above the law.

Some people say...there are three thousand laws in the world, and there should be three thousand eternity.

No more.

Then, considering the spiritual power between heaven and earth, in an era, ten eternity is the limit.

Of course, some Eternal Venerables, if they escape from Chaos, will leave a trace of chance for future generations to prove the Way. This is the Eternal Lord.

Their existence is disappointing.

Even directly cut off the opportunity for others to preach.

And now... Yu Ziyu\'s thoughts are flowing, and he is also sorting out thousands of applications of \\\'time\\\' and \\\'space\\\' and backing them up.

As for the use of \\\'time and space\\\'.

Sorry, he didn\'t feel it.

"In this way, I am the first existence in countless epochs to carry time and space.\\" While muttering in her heart, Yu Ziyu also had some guesses.

Time is respected, space is king.

Just by carrying a law, you can be invincible in the world.

What\'s more, with two doors on his back.

The Infinite Era, if someone really bears the two gates, it will be transformed into the laws of time and space, and I am afraid that the era has long been known.

., 0 is hard

Mrs. Ke

Even Yu Ziyu had to admit that he was able to bear the law of time and space because he had great fortune and great opportunity. First, there is an evolution point to help him deduce everything.

Then there is the colorful flower, this flower that blooms at the end of the long river of time, don\'t hesitate to give everything for him...

Moreover, he can also rely on plunder to plunder the perceptions of others.

All kinds of things made him bear the burden of time and space...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also sighed a little.

He is also a person with great fortune and great opportunity.

just now...

Countless information flows in the mind,

Body and soul transform at the same time.

In the outside world, he even had an infinite vision.

Yes, infinite vision.

At this time, if you look at 3.1 into the depths of the chaos, you will definitely be able to see a divine tree that covers the sky and the sun, with countless branches like divine chains, bursting with dazzling divine light.

Around him, there is a vast river, lingering around.

That is the river of time,

Surround up.

There seems to be no end.

And around him, there are even more ripples,

Countless spaces, layer upon layer, staggered, hiding him in the deepest part of the space.

The vision of time and space is fully manifested at this time.

It\'s just that it\'s not scary.

What is really terrifying is that just when he stepped into half-step eternity and his physical body was undergoing transformation, his tenth world also ushered in transformation.

\\"Boom, boom...\\"

Along with the continuous roar, countless chaotic forces crossed the illusion and reality and poured into the tenth realm...

Chapter 2534 Fearless Eternity (Second)

"Boom... boom... boom...

In the increasingly terrifying roar, the entire Tenth Realm trembled.

At this time, in the depths of the tenth world,

"What\'s this?"

In the sudden shock, a figure suddenly looked up to the sky...

"Crack, click...\\"

- A crisp sound after another, the whole sky is broken.

Immediately after,

\\"Boom, boom...\\"

In the continuous roar, the energy like a flood kept pouring in, pouring back into the heaven and earth.

"What\'s this?"

Among the unimaginable horrors, Gu, the supreme powerhouse of the Tenth Realm, also sensed the horror of this energy.

This energy seems to be above ordinary spiritual energy.

beyond the imagination of the world.

Just a single strand made him feel the pressure as the master.

Now, thousands of strands keep pouring in,

The whole world seemed unbearable.

However, it was these energies that shocked Gu\'s heart.

He noticed...

Sensing that this is the opportunity for him to go further.

If he can absorb these energies, then he may be able to go further.

But what Gu didn\'t know was that he had a pair of calm eyes that crossed the boundaries of time and space and looked at him quietly.

"Hopefully, you can get out of your way and come to me."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu did not hide the expectation on his face.

The reason why he introduced the power of chaos is to strengthen the tenth world.

And the second one is to make Gu go a step further.

As he grows stronger,

Finally walked out of this illusory world, detached from the illusory, and came to Yu Ziyu.

Yu Ziyu wanted to know what he would think when he saw Yu Ziyu, the creator,

Yu Ziyu is looking forward to this.

"Now I am doing a detachment experiment...\\"

"The entire tenth world is a cage, a black box, and another starry sky... And the hundreds of millions of sentient beings inside are now the starry sky, the ten thousand races, and even the abyss..."

"As for Gu, it\'s more like me, the number one powerhouse in the starry sky...\\"

"So ancient detachment, is it not just crossing the illusion, coming to me, and coming to this wider starry world?"

Among the expected voices, Yu Ziyu\'s face was also complicated.

If it is really as he thought, then some of the guesses in his heart will be confirmed.

At that time, he was afraid that he would be a step closer to his own breakthrough.

It\'s just that what Yu Ziyu didn\'t know was that it wasn\'t just him.

In many epochs, countless powerful civilizations have done similar experiments.

For example, the once-fashioned Titan civilization.

They used to be like creators, shaping one planet after another.

Then, the seeds of life were sown,

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